After some deliberation with His Nibs (Mesquite) and the exchange of the customary bribes to him to ensure a landslide victory for me in November, I'm officially announcing my candidacy for entry into this letter opener making competition, thingy.
I've already got a knife blade from a bootfair last year. Old, rust-pitted, covered in cobwebs and the ropiest looking scales on it in all Christendom, but I'm banking on the blade being of good steel. I'll roll over to Toby's (
TP Knives) workshop sometime and have him do a hardness test on the blade once some of that rust has been ground off.
See below the knife as it looks now.
So, having PM'ed with Mesquite, he says this could be classed as "buying a blade". (All of 50 centimes (35p) I might add) So I'm happy about that. I have no idea how old this knife is, but I so wish it could talk and tell me it's history.
I would like to think I'd be able to do what JohnC ( :You_Rock_) had done and make my own, but I think small steps is the way forward for me right now.
Good luck one and all, I hope I shall appear suitably humble when receiving your congratulations when I win in November.