Kinder scout

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
All very true though on winter weekdays I have found Kinder lonelier than I expected.

Although only 2000 ft it is still a serious mountain, and even visiting Scots mountaineers concur with this. The frequent mists and large, mostly featureless plateau can make navigation a bit intrepid.

"Wilderness is a difficult concept to pin down. To some people, it may be a virgin landscape untouched by Man, like the higher Himalaya, the ice-bound Arctic or Antarctic wastes, or the arid deserts of Asia, Africa or America.
As someone who has been lucky enough to spend time in all these places, I can vouch for the ultimate wilderness experiences they provide. But I can honestly say that I’ve had equal, if not greater, wilderness experiences in the British Isles. To give just one example, not so long ago I found myself seriously lost among the peat hags and groughs of Kinder Scout, a mere 10 miles from the centres of Manchester and Sheffield."
Chris Bonington


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