Jaust plain stupid!

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I was frequently re-shaping my Mum's kitchen knives because she kept dropping them on the quarry tiled floor :(
I still have one sitting on my workbench waiting for me to do.
Oh, I've just had an idea, we need to license grinders :)

Also files, bench stones, hammers.. Charcoal in-case you decide to forge your own, scrap metal, anything metal come to think of it.

A good friend is a solicitor and the things that some of the Judges come out with are shocking.
Very few if any belong to the world that most of us do. You do not get to be a Judge because you passed an exam or did your time. You get the job because you are in that circle, the same singular mindset and background breeds the same people over and over again. However rather than an attitude of "lock them all away peasants!" as your would think its more a case of ahhhh poor Johnny has had a rough upbringing, on a council estate so must be given a break, when he breaks into an old folks house and at best steals stuff, at worst, you get the idea.
Whilst the decent law abiding folk who live next door to poor Johnny in the same conditions with parents that give a toss and will bring their kids up the right way will do fine. That is until Johnny gets out his short stay in the nic and decides to cause trouble next door. Decides to convince the kids next door its easier to nick stuff and sell drugs than it is to go to school and make a living for your self.

Until we change the peerage at the top nawt will change below. The internet is helping there as its harder to hide the ridiculous privileged positions that some simply inherit rather than earn through being capable.
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Until we change the peerage at the top nawt will change below. The internet is helping there as its harder to hide the ridiculous privileged positions that some simply inherit rather than earn through being capable.

Ooh, sounds of a nerve being touched there :)
To balance the view however, I have met the odd judge that I have respect for; as in all positions of society there is a huge range of capability. The media has a habit of quoting the ones with off-the-wall views because it makes good reading/viewing.
One of my best friends is judge here. English originally.
Has very sound views on most things.

Remember, media tends to promote 'unusua'l views, it makes more interesting reporting, reading and discussions!.

(I think your comment is totally wrong, Dwardo. Offensive, almost. )
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Ooh, sounds of a nerve being touched there :)
To balance the view however, I have met the odd judge that I have respect for; as in all positions of society there is a huge range of capability. The media has a habit of quoting the ones with off-the-wall views because it makes good reading/viewing.

Just a rough day old bean ;)

I am sure there are some with real life experience in the wide range of society that they are supposed to Judge.. but i fear they are few in service.
I believe if you are not one of the boys from the same set then your do not get in the club. That makes for a very secular club, that is then poorly applied to the vast majority.
My boss's father is a retired judge - and a saner, more well adjusted, kinder, nicer bloke you could not wish to meet - unless you get him on the subject of Badgers... he lost a pedigree herd of Welsh Black cattle to Bovine TB for which (like all farmers) he blames the Badgers...
Other than that - a great bloke.
You get the good and bad in all proffessions - the good go unsung, the numpties ruin it all for everyone... just think of our own game and the prats who give wild camping a bad name and get bans imposed!
obviously if all knives were round ended, similarly to a butter knife, then there would be less stabbings,but people would still be killed albeit by being covered with butter or jam and then licked to death.
I guess he dose not know how fast you can die from a well placed slash cut, what a idiot. can someone with power and logic just put bobby's back on the beat preventing crime, not have the police just dealing with the after effect.
'Quick' slash wounds seldom kill, only give a cut.
To kill by slashing is difficult. Basically only parts of the throat.

The vast majority of knife crime is by stabbing.
'Quick' slash wounds seldom kill, only give a cut.
To kill by slashing is difficult. Basically only parts of the throat.

The vast majority of knife crime is by stabbing.

I'm inclined to disagree with you there; depends on training, blade, and method but I suggest this is not the place to discuss this to any further level.
Most of these deeds, are committed by untrained young people with 'whatever' blade they lay their mitts on.

I guess the Judge in question has access to statistics we do not.,

Having worked ( 2:nd job) in ER's in Sweden and UK, the knife that were severe/life threatening were (vast majority) stick/stab ones.

Discussion about this is vital when otherwise very clever and knowledgeable people do not have the background to make a correct judgment.

Round tipped knives WILL lessen the murder rate committed with knives.
Classic way to teach young boys knife skills:
The Mora with a round and blunt tip. Why blunt? So the child does not stab himself whittling, or in case he trips and falls on it.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one :)
Blunt knives sold as kitchen knives won't be blunt by the time they get on the street so will not lessen the murder rate at all.
Most accidents with youngsters learning with a knife are not stab wounds but sliced fingers and even legs (so basic technique) - I think the blunt child's knife is a joke to be honest and I would certainly never tell a child it is safe nor will I ever use one when teaching kids to use a knife!
But yes I agree, that most knife crime appears to be stabbing; that is different to saying slash wounds only give a cut. What I was suggesting is that we should not discuss blade offensive techniques on this forum.
You suggestion is good!

I think we all agree to one point: Street knife crime needs to be tackled and prioritized by the police.
It is starting to affect people like you UK bushcrafters.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.