Hi guys.
Due to the extortionate fees my ex web developer was trying to charge me, i've been forced into building my own website. Its just gone live and was hoping you could have a look through and see if its all ok, give suggestions as to the layout etc. I've never done this before, but at least i can make my own changes and things like that now.
Took me about 12 hours to do, long day yesterday on a computer.
I probably need to resize my images on there, as it seems to be running a bit slow, could be because its just gone live though. Tell me how it is for you guys please
Due to the extortionate fees my ex web developer was trying to charge me, i've been forced into building my own website. Its just gone live and was hoping you could have a look through and see if its all ok, give suggestions as to the layout etc. I've never done this before, but at least i can make my own changes and things like that now.
Took me about 12 hours to do, long day yesterday on a computer.
I probably need to resize my images on there, as it seems to be running a bit slow, could be because its just gone live though. Tell me how it is for you guys please