Spot on. But that swings things away from a survival kit to save your life, to EDC for comfort/convenience/self reliance/pride.
The original question- Is a PSK needed in the UK- is surely a no, with a few exceptions- you are doing certain more adventurous outdoor activities, live in a very sparsely populated area (e.g. Scottish Highlands) OR society happens to fall apart while you're on the way to work/the shops.
PSK life and death, compact,
EDC convenience and comfort and self reliance
Possibles mixture of the two, easy of access, a less compact/compressed form of PSK but one you dip in to
PSK not needed in UK really
for urban PSK, would things like fires, accidents, terrorist attacks, be soemthing that might be more of an issue...would self defense items be needed more as street violence increases....
while i carry a tactical pen, its more because its robust, i wont sit on it and break it and get ink on me, and the glass breaker doesnt hurt, ive beem in enough car crashes to like the odea of belt cutter and glass breaker...
tehnically it could be used for self defense, but the best self defense is running.
but an n95 mask, ive used mine several times from my belt kit when there was debris/dust....when i was younger and lived in Bridgwater there was often sirens for chemical hazards and people had to rush indoors and sometimes ducttape windows etc because of chemical hazards....those factories have closed down now,
no harm in having more urban protective items in an edc....
but to go back to OP question, the main reason for me is that making a lofty style PSK is what got me in to survival and then bushcraft in the first place, in 1982 survival was only military, rambo knives etc, the magazine around was i think survival weaponry and tactics or something like that. bushcraft wasnt a well known term untill Ray mears and tracks series appeared. The first main survival book was SAS handbook and in 1985 me and friends first started "playing" in the woods because of this book, and we all made tins.
So one of the best uses of a PSK in the UK is as a hobby, and to encourage interest in bushcraft and survival. the collecting/maintaining of kits is very therapeutic to people on the spectrum as well...