Help needed finding a “Laserhawk 3040 Marksman” Slingshot/Catapult in the UK. PLEASE

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Full Member
Feb 10, 2009


I gave up archery some time ago, and took up my old hobby of air rifle shooting. Which I am extremely happy with...

I have since found a website called and their Pocket Hunter, now I thought shooting Arrows with a Slingshot/Catapult would be fun idea, as it would bring back a little nostalgia from my old days, as I did enjoy archery, but not as much as shooting.

I read several reports on the Pocket hunter both from here and across the pond, and decided to go all out purchase one with a couple of takedown arrows to put in my pack.

Now the company said that they couldn't post the actual catapult to the UK? but would be happy to post everything else...

Now this is where the problem starts, as I didn't actually think things completely all the way through.

I bought a Laserhawk 3040 Marksman Slingshot from a U.K shop over the internet. (Which is what the Pocket Hunter is designed to fit) But w
hat I actually received in the post was an SMK 3040 (the picture advertised was of the one I needed) Now this is incompatible with the Pocket Hunter (the forks are spread too Far apart)
I have just received everything from the US but can’t use it, because I don’t have a Catapult that it fits!!!

I have trawled the internet and can’t find a retailer in the U.K that stocks them.

Can anybody PLEASE HELP
Many Thanks
yes i can helpwith this. Now what you should do isring the internet supplier that sent you the wrong one and have it out with them cos if they dont send you what is pictured and discribed or they dont put a disclaimer saying not this exact one but similar they are if i remember correctly and i could be wrong breaking the law

now this law is called the advertisement law which in laymans terms means they cant advertise for one thing and them actually give you aniother because its fruad i believe but like i said i could be wrong and some one with greater knowledge than me will come along at tell u for deffinatly one way of the other but i thnik i am right
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I have done this, and they are happy to do a full refund including the P+P back to them, and adjust there Website...
They do not supply the Laserhawk folding 340 anymore.

This however does not help me in the long run.
I think its classed as a weapon !!!!
Which is why they wont post from America?
Because of Customs?
I dont Understand as you can buy slingshots designed for arrows from Japan?

Just phoned them.

Trade Description act Blah, Blah, Blah Wrong Picture, ETC

Its an SLK Slingshot, Not a "Laserhawk 3040 Marksman" which im after...
Back to square ONE.

Thanks for Trying

Wonder if it's worth trying to ask if they'll ship it with elastic removed and ship the elastic seperately - technically then it's "parts" and not a weapon. Otherwise ask someone on BCUSA - they're pretty good at this sort of thing.


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