R-Bowskill said:There is a great herbal insect repellant but at the moment it's illegal, I don't know if it's the pungent smell or whether it gives them a high without the munchies but the smoke of a well known plant even works with Scottish midges.
(note I'm not advocating anyone breaks the law but any Dutch readers might be able to develop this idea)
Really? I've never noticed that before... I guess I need to do more field research.
Personally, I swear by bog myrtle, smoke (fire or tobacco) and wrapping up. Just don't offer the little buggers any exposed flesh. I just need to figure out a decent means of smoking and drinking tea through 2 layers of shemagh.
Seriously though, bog myrtle is pretty good. You can buy products made from it now, but I haven't tried any - I just use the plant. It's a very common plant in the more midge-infested kind of terrain, it's easy to recognise once you get to know it, and it's free! It's also the most "bushcrafty" solution I know of.
As for DEET, it works for mozzies, but not so well for midges (in my experience anyway). Plus it's foul - you might as well drench yourself in petrol. Hate the stuff...