I want one


Need to contact Admin...
Sep 14, 2005
proctor vt.
This camping getting out of hand no fun no more.Makes life to easy. i like it no noise just the wind the brook saying come on in the waters fine .Hi i am mr fishee wheres your pole.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
lol i think its a belting idea.

I recently took a some lanterns away canoeing and i had forgot how lovely they are. They were very light and a cup full of oil lasted a good long time. I found the light really nice much better than a battery powered something. Usually the light of a fire is enough but sometimes when its hot you dont want a ragaing fire only a utility fire for cooking and boiling.

The only thing i would put me off this is if the radio bit weighed a tonne :( I dont often listen to the radio when out bushying but every now an then its nice to catch a few tunes or a commedy...

Oh and the price difference, lamp from the local shop place £3 each:rolleyes:


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
They actually have them, well stoves that power fridges/ice making machines so :p back at ye and back to your nettle undiemaking !

I am constantly making kit cuts but a lamp is something i would like to carry from now on. When the fire is unable to provide light whats the alternitive? Battery power or a fair old amount of time to produce a natural mothod.

I guess my point is that people should give the old oil lamp a go,, not saying one of these flashy ones but a cheap one maybe. Would not see my self carrying it far but with a canoe etc its nice an hey if theres a radio thrown in fair enough.....

Thats if they come down to 2 quid that is lol


Aug 24, 2005
Leek,The Netherlands
hmmm, nettle undies... now thats a novel idea ;)

worst thing is if i would put em on ebay they would sell i bet :D

in truth i think the heat to current gadget isnt that bad at all, its just that for me personaly a radio to listen to is the last thing id want if i finaly managed to sneak away from society.

at times i realy think people nowadays are afraid of their own thoughts,silence seems threathening to them.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I do honestly love my own time no noise at all and the last time i went away it was with my good friend but i also missed the time i last went away alone.

Believe me the last thing i would want is a radio blaring all day but im a radio4 tart and some of the play and stories are spine tinglingly good entertaining plus i read a lot for a living (manuals) so thats out ;) lol. I last went out for 4 days and i could not be ** reading and really missed a radio (took a broken one) especially when it was too hot to do a thing besides sweat an swing yer your hammock :D.

Not an argument porkipine me ald matey ;) just reminiscing on recent good times even if they seem now so distant :( right thats it im packing for a saturday night on the canoe lol missus is gonna kill me :eek:


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
I aways take a radio with me to be honest, can't go without Radio 4 news I'm afraid. As to lamps in general, they come along in some form or another. On my own I use a candle lantern, with my lad along I may take a Primus gas lamp or if transport is no problem then one or two Vapalux/Bialaddin pressure lamps as well; I find the hiss of a pressure lantern very relaxing to be honest. The cheap and cheerful huricane lamps have their place as well, as someone else said, a little oil and you have hours of gentle light. Lots of people here on the forum use wind up radio's so why not a lamp powered one?

I also take an MP3 player, you can't beat a little jazz late at night (headphones on of course)


Need to contact Admin...
Sep 14, 2005
proctor vt.
O K Richard here is a fan run by heat for a wood stove put this on top of the lantern have light and cool air for your night time reading in your tent.



Oct 22, 2006
mp3 player with ozric tentacles or pink floyd is a necessity, helps you drift off and forget about the strange noises in the woods lol :)

Anyone else into the ozrics btw???


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