Hunters and Gatherers


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May 27, 2005
South Wales
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers

I've recently got a copy of this massive book and it is fantastic (if perhaps a little scholarly). It includes a fairly detailed account of all the major Hunter/Gatherer societies in the historical record. Each chapter is broken into headings like: Introduction; History; Ecological setting; Economy; Settlement patterns, mobility, and land tenure; Kinship and marriage; Political organisation; Religion and spirituality, Current situation; Organisation for resistance.

There is also a precis of each continent and quite a detailed general intorduction which covers a lot of the similarities between socially and spacially distinct Hunter/Gatherer groups.

Some of the points that interested me most was the underlying egalitarian and autonomous nature of Hunter/Gatherer societies, and the reliance on various forms of sharing which are quite alien to us and to sedantry societies in general. The book was quite clear that these aspect of social organisation could almost be said to go hand in hand with the Hunter/Gatherer way of life.

Unfortnately, as you read through the book, you realise that many of these societies have been or are in the process of becoming subsumed into 'civilised' cultures, and are essentially dying as we speak. There are several examples in the book of Hunter/Gatherer societies which are actually thriving at present, and are able to maintain at least some of their traditional ways and their languages too.

Highly recommended (if you like that sort of thing).



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