HSE Review of Stove Accident


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 5, 2010
west yorkshire
There is one advantage with petrol stoves in this instance, that you would be unlikely to need to refuel a petrol stove over a weekend.

But you would still require what was apparently lacking in this case, i.e. comprehensive instruction in its use, including the correct refuelling procedure.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
you horrid horrid man rick, booooo!

One or two of the girls carried out a stupid act, I am sorry they were injured but to pour fuel on a stove is an act of stupidity. I know we are living in the age of no blame but sometimes reality dictates otherwise... it was a stupid thing to do and also a stupid container to leave open access too. Not all the girls fault but some of the blame is.


Apr 13, 2011
United Kingdom
The thing with kids is they can have the best teachers and conditions in the world and you will be lucky if as much as half of what they are told sinks in. I have done things as a kid that I would thump myself for now if I could go back in time (such as chucking empty gas cartridges in a fire). Even the best of us will do the wrong thing when distracted. Being well trained and alert to danger reduces accidents and injury but some times luck and sense are not with us when needed.

I hope all concerned in this accident are not to damaged by the event.
Jul 30, 2012
sorry to bring this thread back again, but I've recently had the opportunity to create my own fireball on a mehs set up. (any excuse)

First things first though, it was 5¤c outside (so was the meths) and I did not use a 5l container (safer or unsafer you decide)

I first of all got a large metal container RED hot. To the side I lit a small meths dish aflame, and prepared a capful of meths. Then I moved the red hot dish to the side of the meths fire and then (at arms lenght) poured the capfull of meths in. A small meths flare up ensued, like if you'd knocked a trangia, even with all that heat on a small sample I had prepared. Meths takes alot of heat to get to temprature

End point , you just don't get the fireball with meths that you do with liquid butane. The one girl must have splashed the others tracksuit.
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Mar 6, 2012
I myself have done both silver and bronze. We only use gas and i was a bit disappointed at not being able to use meths but you have to of had special training to use it. I can say that bronze is there to sort the wheat from the chaff. MY bronze had 40+ people doing it, Silver had 15 people in it. So thats my take on DofE. I love doing it and is a very good thing to be a part of. If youve got kids get them doing it! :D


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
The problem with the 5litre container is that there is potentially a large fume area, much more likely to flash than liquid, also unless used properly standard 5litre liquid containers tent to "Glug" rather than pour. Smaller Trangia bottles with safety valves would have been better and I must admit I thought they were compulsary on DofE.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
The problem with the 5litre container is that there is potentially a large fume area, much more likely to flash than liquid, also unless used properly standard 5litre liquid containers tent to "Glug" rather than pour. Smaller Trangia bottles with safety valves would have been better and I must admit I thought they were compulsary on DofE.

Thank you, see post #16


Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
This I feel is a classic case of how health and safety stops people using common sense because legislation is now supposed to look after you instead of you looking after yourself. I do feel sorry for the injured party but feel the blame is not wholly with the organisers. You see it all the time, kids no longer look when crossing roads as it's the drivers responsibility to keep them safe... Isn't it?? Like the joiner who put a cordless drill up his nose to itch it and was surprised when the drill bit tore his nose off... Yes he won the case because there was nothing in the instructions telling you not to do it??? I say take the warning labels of everything for one generation and then common sense will have to make a dramatic comeback, and thin out those who can't or won't look after their own safety.... Simples



Sep 6, 2010
It isn't just youngsters; a mature man in his fifties recently died here after trying to light his bonfire with petrol.

He suffered 80% burns and was in an induced coma for two weeks but didn't make it.


Sep 6, 2010
There seems no end to the limits of human stupidity... :(

I agree.

I know it was a horrible thing to happen to him but I was a bit irritated by the way it was reported. The tone was "tragic accident" instead of "entirely forseeable and preventable event".

Maybe I'm a bit hung up about it because I work on an industrial site where we have extremely strict rules about handling flammable liquids and having ignition sources around.
Jul 30, 2012
well my point is , meths ain't petrol and burns differently.

Petrol is the worst by far until you get to gas.
Its got butane disssolved in it , octanes to make it burn, and thats before you get to the additives, alot worse than ColemalFuel


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