The woods I own are in an old mining area and so there's a risk that the stream water might be contaminated with heavy metals (including arsenic).
I bought a Pure Hydration Thirst Aid Bag, as it was the only filter I could find that was listed as being able to eliminate heavy metals. However, a quick email to the manufacturer revealed that it can in fact only remove some heavy metals, and not arsenic. Glad I checked! I'm pretty angry with Pure Hydration for the potentially dangerous misleading information they are using to advertise their products.
So, I'm on the look out for a new hiking water filter system that will deal with heavy metals, including arsenic. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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I bought a Pure Hydration Thirst Aid Bag, as it was the only filter I could find that was listed as being able to eliminate heavy metals. However, a quick email to the manufacturer revealed that it can in fact only remove some heavy metals, and not arsenic. Glad I checked! I'm pretty angry with Pure Hydration for the potentially dangerous misleading information they are using to advertise their products.
So, I'm on the look out for a new hiking water filter system that will deal with heavy metals, including arsenic. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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