Electronic Bushcraft, Sourcing Energy and building Radio Communication from Earth

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If I set my multimeter to millivolts dc and hold a probe in each hand I find that I am producing between four and twelve millivolts.
If enough of us hold hands and two people hold my phone…………..

Edited to add:
The da Vinci flying machine didn’t and doesn’t work. Quite apart from his misconception about screws if it had ever left the ground the basket would have spun in the opposite direction to the rotor and all the rotational energy would have been countered. There is no evidence that daVinci inspired the helicopter.

Maybe something fundamental can be discovered in the kitchen or in a philosopher’s chair. I’d like to think so but as we discover more and more about the universe and use more and more combined minds to do so I don’t expect it to happen in my lifetime.
Someone did build and fly one of da vinci 's flying inventions. I don't remember which one, he designed several. Though things have progressed far beyond whichever one it was, to be of use to a modern world, so it never went anywhere, other than as an interesting experiment.

Iccarus managed it, but he flew too high, and melted the wax holding the feathers on to his wings. ;)
At a job interview i was told the starting time was 9am,so i thought i'd better get a potato clock.
potato's are cheaper than batteries and you can grow your own energy supply. Plus they are not affected by power cuts, or cme's.
I wish I'd kept mine now.
@Woody girl
Buy yourself a little one cell battery clock. You can buy the mechanism and put it into whatever face you want and make cardboard hands however you like as long as they are balanced. I’ve got a Worcester plate (below) drilled at the centre with a clock mechanism behind it and just an hour hand. Who cares about minutes and seconds?

Then you need three copper nails/bit of wire which you connect to (NOT solder) three zinc or galvanised nails/rods/strips. Zinc plated roofing nails work. Join with copper wire. You end up with three separate copper zinc pairs.

Push your first copper nail in next to its connected zinc - it doesn’t really matter what veg you use: potatoe, carrot, parsnip.
Now push in the second copper nail close to but not touching the previous zinc followed by it’s connected zinc - and repeat for the third pair. Connect the first copper and the last zinc to the clock.
If nothing happens swap to the opposite clock terminals.

Problem - the reaction of the electrolyte (spud) will cause gas bubbles to accumulate on the zinc. You can just pull them out, wipe and replace in a new spot.

I’m not guaranteeing this mechanism but it certainly worked sixty years ago with a 12 volt car clock that required six of each electrode (nail) pair.

If you can’t get it to work you can always stick a battery into it!

The link isn’t the cheapest but it seems to come with hands so you don’t need to measure anything.

I’m confident that a King Edward would power this clock.


You can easily get within 15 mins and very soon within 5 mins. I use a battery - it’s in the front room!!
If I wanted minutes and seconds the spindles are turning just not put the hands on.
I’ve always questioned why the government favour blacked out SUV’s and men in suits in such events.
I had some great ideas but don't possess the technology to build them. The technology will be coming however probably 100 years from now. I may be off topic... Nano technology is far too crude at the moment. (Reminds me of the old computer games with pixilated characters that you had to squint at to make out what it resembled. Nanites are about the same. We need to use AI to create more refined Nanites and much, much smaller. We need to get away from combustion all together as that is destruction rather than regeneration. My first prototype would employ groups of Nanites into sectors to cluster together as one to collect water molecules and convert into hydrogen which is still combustion but then to develop it into the atomic level and source dark matter from within the atom. I believe that much of the empty space in an Atom consists of a balance of dark matter. 99.99% is supposedly empty space and 0.01%. Surely there are many things to discover about Atoms.
Futuristic speculators of Nanites believe that we will have an ownership of Nanites per person and they will the only items we possess. You will only have one room that changes dimensions due to the purpose including clothing and vehicles. We will not need mobiles or conventional communications. Maybe they will eventually become us. Speculations of Projective transplant printing body parts including internal vitals. But hey If it goes that for then it no longer matters if we are human or not as nether the less we have evolved.
I had some great ideas but don't possess the technology to build them. The technology will be coming however probably 100 years from now. I may be off topic... Nano technology is far too crude at the moment. (Reminds me of the old computer games with pixilated characters that you had to squint at to make out what it resembled. Nanites are about the same. We need to use AI to create more refined Nanites and much, much smaller. We need to get away from combustion all together as that is destruction rather than regeneration. My first prototype would employ groups of Nanites into sectors to cluster together as one to collect water molecules and convert into hydrogen which is still combustion but then to develop it into the atomic level and source dark matter from within the atom. I believe that much of the empty space in an Atom consists of a balance of dark matter. 99.99% is supposedly empty space and 0.01%. Surely there are many things to discover about Atoms.
Futuristic speculators of Nanites believe that we will have an ownership of Nanites per person and they will the only items we possess. You will only have one room that changes dimensions due to the purpose including clothing and vehicles. We will not need mobiles or conventional communications. Maybe they will eventually become us. Speculations of Projective transplant printing body parts including internal vitals. But hey If it goes that for then it no longer matters if we are human or not as nether the less we have evolved.

Sounds like an utterly soulless existence to me, and if you can use these things to create your perfect world we would need many earths to do so as human greed is rampant, and would mean total conflict, as a tried to make his dwelling bigger than b and both railroaded over c who doesn't want as much as either of them. It's a false view of the future. If we could cure all ills and sickness with them, we'd soon never die, and what then? We are already an overcrowded world, using resources beyond sustainable levels. Sounds like hell!
Let me have enough to be well and relatively comfortable and be able to spend time in and enjoy the natural world without the modern world interfearing in those moments, peace and quiet are grossly underrated , your soul is better for it.
It's taken a lot of years for me to learn it's value, which I sneered at as a young person. I'm happy without all the latest tech which most seem unable to ecist without and wear themselves out trying to get, to stay up to the moment.
Less is more, is a hard lesson to learn for a lot of people, and even harder to live by.
Your idea of thefuture to me is the scariest nightmare that it's possible for me to imagine.
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Imagine a bucket.

You can put what you want into the bucket and get what you want out...including another bucket.

This is nanotechnology.

The Capitalists and Greens will not let us within miles of that technology.
My first prototype would employ groups of Nanites into sectors to cluster together as one to collect water molecules and convert into hydrogen which is still combustion
No it isn't in fact it's the complete opposite of combustion. When you burn hydrogen (combustion) it combines with oxygen. This is the chemical process of oxidation. What you are describing is a reduction process.

GCSE chemistry can help with a more detailed explanation
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Sounds like an utterly soulless existence to me, and if you can use these things to create your perfect world we would need many earths to do so as human greed is rampant, and would mean total conflict, as a tried to make his dwelling bigger than b and both railroaded over c who doesn't want as much as either of them. It's a false view of the future. If we could cure all ills and sickness with them, we'd soon never die, and what then? We are already an overcrowded world, using resources beyond sustainable levels. Sounds like hell!
Let me have enough to be well and relatively comfortable and be able to spend time in and enjoy the natural world without the modern world interfearing in those moments, peace and quiet are grossly underrated , your soul is better for it.
It's taken a lot of years for me to learn it's value, which I sneered at as a young person. I'm happy without all the latest tech which most seem unable to ecist without and wear themselves out trying to get, to stay up to the moment.
Less is more, is a hard lesson to learn for a lot of people, and even harder to live by.
Your idea of thefuture to me is the scariest nightmare that it's possible for me to imagine.
This is my main gripe with Michio Kaku who kept bleating on about how robots will do all the hard work in the future. Well AI is here and it's taking all the artsy jobs while people still have to clean the toilets.
My secondary gripe is that he keeps singing the praises of String Theory which may be mathematically sound but has not one shred of physical evidence to support it.
@Kadushu Quite right!
I wouldn’t have anything to do with the universe if it involved string theory!!!! :lmao:

Ref OP’s last:-
I enjoy philosophy, meditation and thinking in general. I class them as my hobby and my craft. If I chased all these quasi scientific rabbits down their holes I’d be in an institution.

Whatever reality is is what it is. We may find out or we may not. In the meantime we can enjoy hypothesising and telling ourselves that we are on our way to finding out. We may really be on the right track but I wonder if we’d realise that if we were!

The one thing that I am certain of regarding the world one hundred years from now is that I cannot imagine it.

It’s great fun to speculate and create visions of the future - just a few of those visions will guide those who can to create that future. Most of us will just wait for the results and buy them on ebay or maybe in Curry’s.

There’s really is no need to punctuate thinking with terms like “nano”, “quantum” and “dark matter” etc. A few decades ago we were saying “atomic”, “nuclear” and “radiant”without understanding them. Before that we were “electrolysing” everything. My mother had a comb that “electrolysed” her hair with an AA battery in the handle. You could tell it was working because it came with a little light bulb that lit up when you put it across the metal teeth.

Best not to quote reading verbatim when you didn’t understand what was written.

@Tengu - I can create a bucket right here while I’m typing and I can pull anything that I like out of it - I’ve just pulled a big green dragon that filled the front room. In another compartment of my life, visualisation is immensely important. I am also able to experience pleasure, in fact a whole range of emotions, from my visualisations. Anyone can.
I know you were describing something more substantial I wonder what branch of nanotechnology were you quoting?
Unless we are at the top of our specialism we all rely on third party information. A lot of imagination is becoming confused with actual achievement and planned achievement.

Enjoy your picture of the future a long as it gives you pleasure. I’m sure you are not surprised that others don’t share your vision.

I totally endorse the benefit of enrolling on a basic GCSE general science course if science interests you - better yet an OU foundation course in physics.


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