Electronic Bushcraft, Sourcing Energy and building Radio Communication from Earth

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I cannot help thinking that the Eau Pee and his subsequent pees is an extraction of the same.

For this reason I have kept out of this thread.

If I am wrong @Colinski has my apologies in advance but then I’m also appalled that anyone could reach such an age without even a rudimentary understanding of energy. It speaks of an absolute failure of our education system.
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I cannot help thinking that the Eau Pee and his subsequent pees is an extraction of the same.

For this reason I have kept out of this thread.

If I am wrong @Colinski has my apologies in advance but then I’m also appalled that anyone could reach such an age without even a rudimentary understanding of energy. It speaks of an absolute failure of our education system.
OP apparently grew up in Sweden so it would be a failing of their educational system but i feel your point

Sent from underground
Porridge is apparently good for providing energy, but when I put it in the grate it just went cold and provided no heating effect at all, neither would it charge my phone. ..from cold baffled and confused. :(

Joking aside, I think that there are many things need to be explored, and who knows?
After all, if you transplanted a medieval, or even a victorian person into today's world, they would be totaly amazed at what we can do now. It would be unimaginable to them.who knows what the future holds, and what energy sources will be.?
I remember reading something in the early 80's about a chap who had worked out how to power a vehicle using water, and that he quietly disappeared overnight from his home, never to be seen again. It was rumoured that a blacked out car had been seen in the area the day prior to his disapearance.
Oil was king back then, so who knows what realy happened, but boy, could we do with that technology today.! It would scupper the ulez money making machine in one blow!
Maybe therein lies the answer as to what happened to the chap, and his revolutionary technology.
without even a rudimentary understanding of energy.
... If one does not even know that one does not know, one generally has a problem ...

Probably stated by a victim.

Actually in many cases if one imagines one knows but in reality has no idea, more damage can occur.
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@Woody girl - yes indeed my father told me about such a vehicle but my subsequent understanding of the union of hydrogen atoms to an oxygen atom informs me that extracting the energy of that bond is vastly more difficult than breaking apart hydrocarbons such as petrol and takes far more energy than you’d get out.

Making hydrogen and oxygen from water can of course be done but it isn’t efficient and certainly not at the scale of a single vehicle.
If it were possible it would have been done many times and it would be impossible to suppress all the YouTube videos.

It’s true that the whole basis of Science is that we are not certain of anything. We just work to achieve the best explanation (of some things) given the currently available evidence.

It’s worth remembering that we can’t find 95% of the universe and that’s quite a lot to mislay.

On the other hand I do think it’s arrogant of some individuals to suggest that they have solutions in their kitchen that vast effort by many thousands of people have not been able to discover our replicate.

Those Victorians were still able to discover fundamental ideas in their convoluted tubing, in their mahogany furnished studys. That low fruit has now been picked. That retort tubing is now 27Km in diameter.
Have you checked down the back of the cushions on the sofa?
My matrix is often under the bed, as the cushions on my sofa are fixed and not removable.
I once took the side of the bath off, to clean the u bend, only find a box of tools that had been missing for several years after my partner had cleaned out the u bend on the bath all that time ago. It's amazing where stuff can go missing!
Just remembered the name of the chap that invented waterpowerd cars.
Stanley Myers. It's quite interesting how he so suddenly "disappeared " along with all his research, at a time when oil was king.
Can any one tell me how to plug the hair drier into a tree, my wife said she is prepared to go camping with me, till then it hotels only.
You can hammer a normal 3 pin plug in, just remove the bark first. I can't guarantee that it will work though

Sent from underground
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@Woody girl
I doubt very much that he was privy to a fundamental law of chemistry or physics that is unknown to us and which is still unpublished.

OF COURSE we can get power using water.

We can drop it from a height and power generators.
We can make steam and green hydrogen from it.
We can use it to grow biofuel crops.
We can use it to grow food.
Neither steam nor green hydrogen are initial power sources. There is a more fundamental energy source that produces them.
Steam power requires heat from oil, coal, electricity etc.
Green Hydrogen requires electricity which itself requires a more fundamental energy source.

Steam, green hydrogen and electricity are more like crank shafts or flywheels than true energy sources.

I do wish that we could pour water into our vehicles and engines and derive power but I fear that it would have terrible socio-economic repercussions.

Edited to add:
It is arguable that if Stanley Myers had a horse under his vehicle then his claim might be as justifiable as “electric” cars.
(They aren’t powered by electricity, they are powered by an electric battery which is powered by …….. take your pick.)
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Can any one tell me how to plug the hair drier into a tree, my wife said she is prepared to go camping with me, till then it hotels only.

A potato can power a clock, I used to have a kit that was one of those kids science experiment things. A tree is a lot bigger, so it might be possible, you'll just need to change the plug. :)
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@Woody girl
I doubt very much that he was privy to a fundamental law of chemistry or physics that is unknown to us and which is still unpublished.

OF COURSE we can get power using water.

We can drop it from a height and power generators.
We can make steam and green hydrogen from it.
We can use it to grow biofuel crops.
We can use it to grow food.
Neither steam nor green hydrogen are initial power sources. There is a more fundamental energy source that produces them.
Steam power requires heat from oil, coal, electricity etc.
Green Hydrogen requires electricity which itself requires a more fundamental energy source.

Steam, green hydrogen and electricity are more like crank shafts or flywheels than true energy sources.

I do wish that we could pour water into our vehicles and engines and derive power but I fear that it would have terrible socio-economic repercussions.

Edited to add:
It is arguable that if Stanley Myers had a horse under his vehicle then his claim might be as justifiable as “electric” cars.
(They aren’t powered by electricity, they are powered by an electric battery which is powered by …….. take your pick.)

I've no idea what his system was, I just know the story from someone who I corresponded with as a pen pal back in the late 80's early 90's, who lived close by, and knew him well.
I lost touch with my pen pal so can't verify anything anymore.
I don't think they realy knew much about the technicalities of what he was doing, but he did completely dissappear leaving everything behind, except his papers on the project, which have never been found, very suddenly, after a visit from a big black suv and strange men in suits, which was unusual for the area, and was wondered about by the locals.
If it's so impossible to power a vehicle with water, one has to ask, why would that happen?
Somebody once invented the wheel, and back in the fifties and sixties one could not conceive of people communicating as we now do so easily and normaly.
Anything is possible, with the right knowledge. Research is constantly bringing up new things, and don't forget everyone told da vinci his flying machines were impossible, and would never work.
If I set my multimeter to millivolts dc and hold a probe in each hand I find that I am producing between four and twelve millivolts.
If enough of us hold hands and two people hold my phone…………..

Edited to add:
The da Vinci flying machine didn’t and doesn’t work. Quite apart from his misconception about screws if it had ever left the ground the basket would have spun in the opposite direction to the rotor and all the rotational energy would have been countered. There is no evidence that daVinci inspired the helicopter.

Maybe something fundamental can be discovered in the kitchen or in a philosopher’s chair. I’d like to think so but as we discover more and more about the universe and use more and more combined minds to do so I don’t expect it to happen in my lifetime.
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I've no idea what his system was, I just know the story from someone who I corresponded with as a pen pal back in the late 80's early 90's, who lived close by, and knew him well.
I lost touch with my pen pal so can't verify anything anymore.
I don't think they realy knew much about the technicalities of what he was doing, but he did completely dissappear leaving everything behind, except his papers on the project, which have never been found, very suddenly, after a visit from a big black suv and strange men in suits, which was unusual for the area, and was wondered about by the locals.
If it's so impossible to power a vehicle with water, one has to ask, why would that happen?
Somebody once invented the wheel, and back in the fifties and sixties one could not conceive of people communicating as we now do so easily and normaly.
Anything is possible, with the right knowledge. Research is constantly bringing up new things, and don't forget everyone told da vinci his flying machines were impossible, and would never work.
I’ve always questioned why the government favour blacked out SUV’s and men in suits in such events.
A potato can power a clock, I used to have a kit that was one of those kids science experiment things. A tree is a lot bigger, so it might be possible, you'll just need to change the plug. :)
At a job interview i was told the starting time was 9am,so i thought i'd better get a potato clock.


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