My forest/wilderness resource values are very different from what they were even 20 years ago.
How about yours? Doing things differently as your interests change?
I need tools for wood, sand, stone and mineral crystals. It's always cold and windy up top.
A lot of that is grazing lease so most piddle-creeks are probably contaminated with ka-ka.
Bog-rolls, towels, 5 gal water tank.
Everybody appreciates a hot Coleman lunch. Maybe we shoot some grouse for supper.
Social occassions, day trips, Cooler full of lunchy snack stuff. Nights in the big wooden hot tent in the village.
My Nikon spotting scope is 1.7 kg, the wooden surveyor's tripod must be 5 kg.
There are thousands of square miles of real wilderness around me. It is roadless.
What logging roads there are go nowhere. You can walk up skidder trails for weeks if you wish.
Temperate jungle with visibility of 3-5m in many places.
I am done with coping with the bears and the big cats. You never need to think about it.