Home made ,,fuel blocks'' for a hexi stove.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2013
Monikie, Angus
Good effort although I'm wondering about it being a bit smokey with the wax. Mind you, hexi tabs aren't smokeless!!

Great fire lighters though. I use the round makeup pads dipped. Cut them to the half way mark and fold out the wings. Stands up and a great flame.

Try some bits of wood cooked in the wax for a wee while. Great fuel rods of fat wood.


These ones make a little bit of black smoke, not much tho. But they burn a little longer than the original solid fuel blocks my hexi came with.

,,Try some bits of wood cooked in the wax for a wee while. Great fuel rods of fat wood.''
Thanks for the advice, I will try it out.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I make fire blocks from the stubs of candles from our church and donations of candle stubs from friends and sawdust from the firewood I cut for our woodburner. I make them by pouring molten wax into busted egg boxes from the Care Farm I work at (we sell eggs and re-use the egg boxes folk bring back)that I fill with the sawdust, tamp them and add more sawdust and wax until each compartment is full then let it set and break it up into individual "cells".
Some smell really nice :)
All burn brightly :D


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