Holistic Homestead Energy Systems.

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Deekin. You'd be surprised how much electric a tv uses. I never kept mine on standby, switched it off and unplugged when not in use.
I got rid of it last March. Bills have gone down dramatically!
It was only a small 20 inch top A rated one too!
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I do think its not just the generation of power but the capacity to store it long term to draw down , so I share the pain regarding Tesla Powerwall , tempting.....but not at that price!!!

Surely there must be reliable and established companies out there who want a piece of the Domestic Battery market that produce some similar products.

Few years there was what got called the saltwater batteries, supposedly better able to cope with deep cycling and about the size of a loaded pallet. Less energy dense but cheaper than a powerwall. Just took up a bit more space.

Not read about em recently but I assume they are still out there.

Still, I've recently built a very efficient extension onto a college and insulation coupled to good airtightness is the key to reducing heat losses which make up much of UK energy bills.
As people get older they often move out into the country, usually into badly insulated damp houses that cripple them financially.
Its worth sorting those problems out before they retire and lose a bit of income.
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Woodburner with a backboiler? Its sounds like you're going to have a few radiators linked to it. If so, and you don't need to go upstairs with it, tgen then definitely look into gravity fed heating system. It's dead easy, needs no electricity, creates no noise and distributes the heat very efficiently.
After installing one in my home (took 3 days for 1 plumer and 1 helper) I even rid of an Ecofan (that was also spreading dust s along with circulating hot air).
So really it's not only thinking about how to preserve heat but also how to avoid need for electricity. That will essentially reduced number of solar panels, size of battery bank.
Besides, don't forget in winter here in uk the solar gain drops drastically.
Days are lot shorter, and sun sparse.
Not saying you should avoid using electricity but aim to minimize need for it. Reduce electricity waste, electronic equipment often has adapters coming with it that converts your 240AC to much lower DC, whilst you just paid hundreds for an inverter that does just the opposite.. See the loss? Have both AC and DC circuits and keep as many equipment DC as possible. i.e. laptop charger - you can get DC one, etc..
We have 2 circuits, a 110-120V and the first floor has an additional 220-240 V circuit. Dedicated fuse boxes, safety thingies.
The instalment cost basically doubled ( we did this when we built the house).

A DIY solar panel, battery storage and some cabling should work out cheaper ( if it is legal to do a DIY electrical system inside the house)
For a decade, I heated this house with a Harman P38 pellet stove.
I burned 100,000 lbs compressed wood pellets. I know how they work.

Scandanavian countries buy boatloads of BC wood pellets for energy.
They understand what's cost effective.

The cost was 1/2 that of my regularly fueled central heating furnace.
I used the savings to pay for the pellets stove and all the fixtures in the first 3 years.
I used the savings to pay for a solar power system and enough deep-cycle batteries to
keep me and that winter wood stove going over night in the next 2 years.

What did I learn? You have to set up several solar power systems.
Never put all your eggs in one basket or you are screwed.
The more batteries the better to store the juice.

Don't hold your breath BUT:
There's an experimental system out now that uses the rain falling on coated windows to generate power.
This, I gotta see.
Are you sure? Sweden is third ( I think) in the world in export of timber and wood associated products, after Canada and US. Maybe Denmark imports from you?

Sweden exports timber and wood products to both Denmark and Norway.
99% of our Beech is made into beautiful Danish furniture.

For small dwellings, I think the future is air to air heat pumps. Ground to air needs large gardens. Solar is resource inefficient, and inefficient in the northern half of Europe.

I hope they can crack the Fusion problem.


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