HELP, advice on 10 items or less stealth night in Matlock


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Problem is unless you ask permission your camping illegally.

I'm not having a go because i have done this myself many many times, i have tried cold knocking on farmers doors but have had everything from shotguns pointed at me, to dogs set on me, so your really damned if you ask damned if you don't.

Couple of tips i've learnt though.

1/ If a farm is selling produce (they usually have a sign outside saying they sell, eggs milk etc) then it's a foot in the door.
Nip in and buy a 1/2 a dozen eggs and just carry out a bit of chit chat asking hows business etc.
After you've paid for the stuff ask them if they know anywhere you and your mate could stay the night, tell em that you'd prefer to stay in woods, this usually helps as the chances are they'll have no livestock in woods.

2/ If you do camp without asking you really need to go somewhere well out the way.
You'll also need to set up camp very late and pack up really early.

If your really really careful you can stay in 1 spot a day or 2, but you'd need to make a smokeless fire and stay hidden well (not fun at all).

I'd honestly try asking at a few farms, as if you have permission it means you can really relax then, rather than looking over your shoulder all the time.
If your really cheeky you could spend an hour on google earth spotting some decent woods near water, zoom in and get the road and house number, and do a search for the phone number.
Give em a call explain that your looking to spend the night in their woods, that you practice minimum impact camping, that you'll be no bother.

Might sound like a long shot, but i've had everything from shooting rights to using a farmers field for driving on by being cheeky.
Just be articulate, cool and professional.


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