Has BCUK changed for you ..............


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 16, 2008
West Midland
Right I don't want to start a bitch slapping thread with this one ,,,,,,However ..

Has BCUK changed over the last years I know forums change as time goes on but when I first came on to BCUK some years back , now there was loads of basic skills threads and people out doing there thing .

But now it seem to be loads of little niches some very skilled , Has BCUK become a fashion thing to go with the beards ,loads of knifes and lumber jack shirts ...for the Lumber-sexuals of course .....

If I came onto the forum for the first time looking for basic skills I maybe put off as there well back in the past and hard to find .

I remember someone telling me some time ago that BCUK was set up as a educational resource if that's the case maybe we need to go back to the roots a bit and dig out some of the old threads I know a lot of very skilled people that used to post now dont ,,,most are now making a living from bushcraft in part due to BCUK .

Cliff aka Twodogs
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British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I think part of the problem is that there are only so many things you can write about knife sharpening or bowdrill using. Ten years or so ago there were lots of things we hadn't covered in detail. Much less so now. Perhaps that's why RM moved on.BTDT. For me personally I post more on homesteading now just because no-one wants another axe restoration or bucksaw making post from me :). Its nice to cover stuff not covered before in my head. I do understand though that means less on core Bushcraft. I have debated posts on mole trapping etc. But fear it would offend some of the more delicate souls.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Perhaps also a sign that the forum is doing it's job as a resource very well indeed, in that many people are able to achieve good basic skills without much posting; this may be over optimistic and wishfull thinking, I don't
know. I often see posts from beginners asking for basic information and immediately somebody with a good memory will point them to the relevant posts from the past so we never hear any more of it.

I know what you're saying, Cliff, but I think such change is maybe inevitable and perhaps such resources as this forum become victims of their own success and need to change in order to meet changing needs.......

Just my initial thoughts............:)


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
All the forums seem to have slowed right down... less people posting about things..It all seems to be on the Facebook bushcraft groups these days.... they are very active.. And all the basic skills posts seem to be on there, lots of them.

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
I think it is a sign of the changing membership.

When BushcraftUK was set up, the majority of members were middle aged males who recall doing similar things from their childhood (as a crass generalisation of course), who, generally speaking, were good at some parts of bushcraft but lacking in computer skills.

Nowadays, we attract (again crass generalisation) younger members who have an interest in learning the skills from scratch, but who are much more capable when it comes to computers.

The historical threads and skill-share threads are still there, but gone are the "Use the search function" comments that used to nudge the less IT-capable towards finding the information.

I'm sure we'd actually loose members if we continually discussed the same topics over and over.


Ogri the trog


Feb 12, 2015
Western Norway
I'm quite new to this forum, but have seen other places change over time. This is inevitable - trends change and people change.

If I came onto the forum for the first time looking for basic skills I maybe put off as there well back in the past and hard to find .

If a person is seeking knowledge and can't find relevant readings, there's always the good old way: ask questions.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
I quite frequently find old posts -[2009 ish perhaps] from here, sometimes when using this sites search function sometimes when using google [other search engines are available :)] find the information I need and have nothing further to contribute to the thread so it remains in the 'archive'. Other times I engage in a bit of thread necromancy when I feel there is something to add or ask or whatever so the thread bubbles back to the surface.

I don't know about fashion thing or not but it has certainly become a place where I can live and get out and about vicariously, as at my current situation in life leaves me with very little free time and free cash to up and out and take a wander.

Things always evolve, as long as newcomers hold similar values and are as easy going as existing members [without everyone being the same - a fine line] then this community will continue to be a great place to visit.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
All the forums seem to have slowed right down... less people posting about things..It all seems to be on the Facebook bushcraft groups these days.... they are very active.. And all the basic skills posts seem to be on there, lots of them.

I left a number of the FB groups due to the fact they aren't moderated very well.


Full Member
Jun 29, 2012
I knew a thing or two before joining the forum and I was able to refine some skills thanks to BCUK-forum-content. Once I have certain skills down, I normally move on to the next thing that interests me and start learning more about the subject. I see the forum as a big encyclopedia in which I can browse whenever I need information about a certain bushcraft-related topic.

Lets give it a try:
- weaving baskets....http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=120181&highlight=baskets
- natural cordage.... http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110090&highlight=natural+cordage

Found these two threads in just 2 minutes.

It happens rarely that I post a comment in the thread, as some are more than 2 years old and I don't want to revive such threads unnecessarily. Maybe I should start replying with a quick thanks, so others can see it in the 'What's new' feed.

Anyway, I think the forum does a very good job at keeping 100's of books worth of information on one website, for all of us to enjoy and use. Newcomers can easily find threads with very basic skills and those who have already certain skills down can find a lot of good threads with more detailed skills and information in them.


Feb 12, 2015
Western Norway
I left a number of the FB groups due to the fact they aren't moderated very well.

Good moderation makes all the difference!

It happens rarely that I post a comment in the thread, as some are more than 2 years old and I don't want to revive such threads unnecessarily. Maybe I should start replying with a quick thanks, so others can see it in the 'What's new' feed.

Reviving of knowledge treads is a good thing!
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Insel Affen

Aug 27, 2014
Tewkesbury, N Gloucestershire
I think Ogri and Ruud have hit the nail on the head with using the search funtion, there is a massive amount of stuff in the forum, but you will always get tangents shooting off with idle chitchat. I usually go onto the Forum, click latest posts and have a browse.

If I want to see a particular skill, then I got through the forum to check and see if there is a thread, failing that, I use the search. Yes it takes a bit of time, but you usually find what you need. I do get a little irritated when someone just posts a question but hope they have searched the site first (I wouldn't want to stop them asking a quaestion thoguh). When I joined, I am sure there was a note saying something to the effect.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
For me the site has changed as I have changed...
When I first joined I was a kid in a candy shop and I used the search function to find lots of info.
Now I have acquired a level of skill I can use to be very comfortable with, out in the woods, I tend to look at the "new posts" almost to the exclusion of all else - unless I have a specific skill I want to research... then it is back to the search :)
I am still learning a lot from the site - but at a slower rate, as befits my advancing years!


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
A great thread Cliff, I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I'm starting a push to get that old info more available through articles that are easy to find rather than it be archived on the forums, we're going to be putting out a number of articles up that help beginners get into bushcraft etc

Any thoughts that can help us along this route are appreciated, the membership of bcuk hasn't gone down, we're still busy but there is less posting along with more reading.

Over the years we've had ups and downs with people posting about skills etc, there's the odd little backlash where they want people to search instead of asking and now I think we're at the point where most people do search and some of the old timers lose interest because there's not a lot of new stuff going on, they pop in now and then or go off and do other things, it's the cycle of things and to a point we need to adjust so that people still enjoy coming on here and that's where you all come in, especially with threads like this where we can speak about these things.

what would people like to see more of etc? I've no intention of changing the setup of bcuk but i do want to refine it so that it keeps it's core while serving those that come here...

There's also the commercial aspects of the site which we need to develop as we spend more time on here working away and developing it, doing that without changing the core is what we'll achieve, we're just being cautious about it but it will happen at the same time as we develop the site with refreshed content etc.

We'll also use Facebook more and I've just set up twitter for bcuk @bcraftuk if anyone would like to like us there :D

So, all suggestions appreciated that help us grow, deliver content, make it an enjoyable place etc etc
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Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
I just want to add that I think I have been here seven years, and I still enjoy it a lot. Enough that I log in and read things and post most days.

The usual complaint is that the balance of posted threads is more towards kit and planning stuff than it is for trip reports and getting out there and doing it.

One area of the forum that has progressed well is the photography elements, mainly through the excellent photo competitions run by Mesquite, although I'm biased there because I enjoy that and actively participate. I think it is definitely still possible to get a lot of enjoyment out of the forum, but people's expectations may have changed with time.


Jan 4, 2010
S. Staffs
BCUK is cyclical. It changes with the seasons and the waves of newcomers. Winter is a time that keeps a lot of souls indoors so there are many more new kit & making and mending posts. As the spring arrives many more will head outdoors and bring back trip reports. There are also fads and crazes that come and go and then get resurrected again.

Sometimes oft repeated newby threads can be tiresome, but that may be because there is less of the informative stuff to balance them out. IMHO there is nothing more fascinating than one of those threads that goes along the lines of: "Here's what I'm trying to do - Here's what went wrong - What should I try next? - Success at last!". There is a risk of waiting until you have it all worked out before posting, but real life work in progress stuff is what really makes this forum rock.



Aug 11, 2011
I hate it when someone says to use the search function to answer a question. It's a forum to speak and if no one has anything constructive to say then don't say owt IMO!

I'm always trying to think of new ideas to post, very often the ideas are not new but it gives people ideas to try stuff themselves? The posts of trying things and failing are good as well, it's the best way to learn often!

I often think of the people who can't get out and do things for whatever reason benefit from people posting and adding pictures? I know when I can not get out I enjoy looking at what other people have been up to....pics always help!


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
It has changed for me but then I've changed for it as well.

I'm less interested in the questions I asked back at the start of my time on BCUK because I know the answers now. I should remember that there's still things to learn but reading the same questions time and again can gt repetitive, though I understand that they're not a repeat for those asking.

I see no real problems.

Things change. People change. Enjoy it. Hang out. Relax. :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 19, 2012
South Yorkshire
The best forum I go on,very chilled,great members.I personally don't want anything more!Ive had since I joined some periods where I fell out of love with all things bushy but BCUK is always there to come back too.

Long live BCUK:)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
I think it is a sign of the changing membership.

When BushcraftUK was set up, the majority of members were middle aged males who recall doing similar things from their childhood (as a crass generalisation of course), who, generally speaking, were good at some parts of bushcraft but lacking in computer skills.

Nowadays, we attract (again crass generalisation) younger members who have an interest in learning the skills from scratch, but who are much more capable when it comes to computers.

The historical threads and skill-share threads are still there, but gone are the "Use the search function" comments that used to nudge the less IT-capable towards finding the information.

I'm sure we'd actually loose members if we continually discussed the same topics over and over.


Ogri the trog

I don't know, I sometimes wonder what I am doing here at all, because when I am here I am not outdoors. With me I expect it is a remembrance of things past, not that my childhood was entirely rosy, far from it, school of hard knocks and all that. I think there are various things held in common by the oldsters but I am still in awe of the craft skills of some here, I would need another lifetime and half to catch up.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.