Cheers folks! Finally escaped from the week long observation thing in Manchester Children's hospital. Hopefully something good will come out of it. For a wanderer like me it was a bit of a nightmare, I got out of the room for under a hour a day, there was no opurtunity for any of my hobbies ( too messy, smelly or used things not allowed in a children's ward ) as I'd not prepared a sewing project, the only thing that was really doable). After the first couple of days I was a zombie through lack of sleep anyway, being a light sleeper.
i did escape one day for a quick looksee in the Aldi round the corner and got two packs of their dirt cheap plunge saw blades and on the way home popped in B&Q and got a cheap party pack of similar blades so once I'm fit to use heavy machinery again ill have plenty of supplies.