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White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I know that some people hate them but I'm a Handkerchief guy, especially in the summer when I use them to mop my brow :lmao: If i've got a cold I'll use disposable tissues but I nearly always have a hanky to hand, to clean my glasses, phone, wipe my brow, blow my nose, carry things in, bandage sometimes and more than a few times for drying tears.

Anyone else carry one, if you do or don't, why?
I have rhinitis due to allergies so I used to carry hankies year round. Then I got to think about colds and using disposable tissues. Since my allergies can be a bit cold like I think my hanky use might have been through a cold spell.

Overall I switched to disposable tissues years ago for the very fact of throwing away bugs. Anecdotally I think I have got fewer colds when using disposable tissues. Plus the manky hanky thing. You know, when your white hanky no longer gets white in the wash! I used to bleach mine after every use, soaking them overnight. Then I'd rinse very well to get the last of the bleach off then before putting them into the normal wash. I just fit fed up with all that and stopped.

Another issue, having allergies I would never use a carried hanky to clean glasses. They'd quickly reach the point that they'd make the glasses worse!:sick:
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Usually have a buff, and a facecloth lives in the bottom of pack.

When used to do woodland work, had a face towel in a back pocket, for sweat or drying tool handles in wet weather.
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60something years ago when I was a Scout, the recommendation was to carry two handkerchiefs. Tissues were then unknown. Since the introduction of tissues, I carry a small supply and a bandana in my trouser pocket.
What colour bandana and what pocket did you hang it out of? Blue or red?
Definitely hankies here.

Constant allergies and getting to the age where wind in my eyes makes them weep too.

If I had used tissues all these years I dread to think how much paper I would have cost the planet.
No textile hankies these days - not for the last thirty years. I started using those small packs of six paper ones. Bought them by the gross. Many cultures regard the linen handkerchief with disgust.
Trouble is the six-packs hey are multi-packaged. I now buy paper hankies in cardboard boxes then fold six into a leather pocket liner.
When I’m camping the used ones go straight into the Kelly Kettle. The frayed/shredded corner of a paper hanky will take a ferro spark as easily as a cotton wool ball - as long as it’s not impregnated with balsam.

I do carry one of those super towels in my pack. Small and dry me well. Wash easily and dry overnight.

60something years ago when I was a Scout, the recommendation was to carry two handkerchiefs.
…….. And you had your necker. I just might take up the neckerchief again now that you’ve reminded me.
I can feel a woggle coming on.
Being neither a crip nor a blood; green!
I’m wondering how many will get your reference? ;)

I’m not a handkerchief user, but I don’t know why, they’re incredibly practical. No idea the number of times a day I reach for a microfibre glass cloth to get smears off my glasses or touchscreens, loads.
I am a handkerchief man out of habit over many years. If I have a cold I will use tissues but other than that I use votton handkerchiefs.
I’m wondering how many will get your reference? ;)

I’m not a handkerchief user, but I don’t know why, they’re incredibly practical. No idea the number of times a day I reach for a microfibre glass cloth to get smears off my glasses or touchscreens, loads.

West side story has a lot to answer for.

I always carry a hankie, but never clean my glasses with it. My dad used to carry 2, one in each pocket. One for glasses, one for nose and other duties.

Don't know if I'm being dim, but not sure I understand why you would switch to paper tissues when you have a cold. Surely by that stage you already have the bug so there is no risk of catching it from yourself. As long as you don't share your hanky I'm not seeing the issue.
I've started to use microfiber cloths, I have really bad sinus problems. I've always carried handkerchiefs, picked it up from the cubs and it has become a lifetime habit.
Pirate bandanna with skull & bones :badger:
good for nephew or nieces halloween, runny noses and terrifying the natives
I always carry a hankie, but never clean my glasses with it. My dad used to carry 2, one in each pocket. One for glasses, one for nose and other duties.

Don't know if I'm being dim, but not sure I understand why you would switch to paper tissues when you have a cold. Surely by that stage you already have the bug so there is no risk of catching it from yourself. As long as you don't share your hanky I'm not seeing the issue.
Blowing your nose is removing bugs from you into the tissue to be thrown away. If you do that to a hanky you're repeatedly handling a bug laden, piece of cotton fabric. You could spread it more to others or prolong your cold. I guess that's the reason. One time I had a cold and ran out of clean, dry hankies. I had to use tissues. I was surprised at how much quicker my cold went. After that only used tissues when it was a cold and hankies when just allergies. Eventually I just cut out the hankies all together and tbh I think I had less colds after that.
After a couple of snot laden blows it's hard to find a dry spot on the hanky :empty:. So, if there's lots of blowing to be done paper tissues, if I get caught out, my hanky saves the day.
Is when you haven't used it for a bit and bring it out with... I'll leave it there. Needless to say I found my reason to stop carrying them!:vomit:


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