Habitat with most odds off obtaining all your wild food needs in the U.K.

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To Archaeologists there are no primitive people.
Yeah in archaeology especially it implies an earlier stage of progress towards 21st century civilisation, which as everybody knows is more backward than any 'primitives' or 'savages' like the ju'haonsi you linked to, who specifically guard against a 'big man' emerging from their midst by ridiculing the most successful hunters. I think I've read about other groups having the same defence against the seeds of civilisation, but not sure who. Native American I think. Or maybe it was another Khoisan group. Meanwhile in the civilised world, we deliberately cultivate generation after generation of 'big men' in special expensive schools.
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I vaugly remember an experiment where a group of people were given the same diet as a gorilla, over a certain period of time. They spent more time eating than they would have normaly done, and felt hungry and lost weight. I'm not sure of all the the details, I can't remember anything more about it. It may have been a radio program, many years ago.
I remember what I do, as I figured before I heard about it that a gorilla diet would have been sufficient for a human, when you take into account muscle mass, size and weight of a gorilla against that of a human. I wish I could find the details but so far no joy.
Looks like gorillas have the enzymes to break down cellulose, that means that their utilization of plant material greatly exceeds human.
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Looks like gorillas have the enzymes to break down cellulose, that means that their utilization of plant material greatly exceeds human.

Yes, and humans are the 'cooking ape'. We can make even foods that would otherwise be unavailable to us both edible and digestible by cooking.
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I vaugly remember an experiment where a group of people were given the same diet as a gorilla, over a certain period of time. They spent more time eating than they would have normaly done, and felt hungry and lost weight. I'm not sure of all the the details, I can't remember anything more about it. It may have been a radio program, many years ago.
I remember what I do, as I figured before I heard about it that a gorilla diet would have been sufficient for a human, when you take into account muscle mass, size and weight of a gorilla against that of a human. I wish I could find the details but so far no joy.
all that insoluble fibre would destroy a man's guts long term chrohns is unevitable.
I believe the healthiest human who ever lived was Ötzi. The big problem with wild food is carbs.
We can do perfectly fine without carbs the body just needs to adjust to it . Raw bloody Meat gives u high-long lasting energy I'm assuming it comes from the blood sugar\glycogen so I think cooking meat is the equivalent off torching a bag off sugar it destroys the energy.A lot Siberian tribes and inuit plus others ate that way.
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We can do perfectly fine without carbs the body just needs to adjust to it . Raw bloody Meat gives u high-long lasting energy I'm assuming it comes from the blood sugar\glycogen so I think cooking meat is the equivalent off torching a bag off sugar it destroys the energy.A lot Siberian tribes and inuit plus others ate that way.
Carbs are the big bang from an energy point of view and easier to transport.
Raw meat can be really bad for your health.
Raw bloody Meat gives u high-long lasting energy I'm assuming it comes from the blood sugar\glycogen so I think cooking meat is the equivalent off torching a bag off sugar it destroys the energy.
Some fast search shows that glycogen vanishes quite fast from muscle after death so just freshly killed meat contains it. After that the energy is in the fats and proteins and by all accounts fat is the most energetic compound in meat.

By some reports it might be that eating raw fresh, still warm meat does keep the northern hunters from ketosis, together with the berries and other plants collected by women.
Some fast search shows that glycogen vanishes quite fast from muscle after death so just freshly killed meat contains it. After that the energy is in the fats and proteins and by all accounts fat is the most energetic compound in meat.

By some reports it might be that eating raw fresh, still warm meat does keep the northern hunters from ketosis, together with the berries and other plants collected by women.
Iv done sorts off experiments iv eaten beef raw not freshly killed I was in a fasted state and it gave me better energy than carbs the energy lasted all day even sprinting my performance was better fat is good energy but very slow energy all in all very interesting .
I disagree carbs are not a essential macronutrient .

We're not carnivores.

Our entire digestive system, from teeth to bowels, clearly shows that we are omnivores and carbs are part of that system.

Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts.....all good carbs.
We're not carnivores.

Our entire digestive system, from teeth to bowels, clearly shows that we are omnivores and carbs are part of that system.

Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts.....all good carbs.
Protein and fat are essential, carbs are not we benefit from carbs but there not essential to surive.
Protein and fat are essential, carbs are not we benefit from carbs but there not essential to surive.

You are right, they are not essential to survive, as in exist, but they may be essential to survive if you need to perform optimally. Carbs, especially sugars such as glucose, give you a fast delivery of energy that allows your body to perform at peak performance for short periods of time. Athletes and sportsmen load up on carbs - carbohydrates are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen, and during exercise, they are broken down into glucose to fuel physical activity.
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You are right, they are not essential to survive, as in exist, but they may be essential to survive if you need to perform optimally. Carbs, especially sugars such as glucose, give you a fast delivery of energy that allows your body to perform at peak performance for short periods of time. Athletes and sportsmen load up on carbs - carbohydrates are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen, and during exercise, they are broken down into glucose to fuel physical activity.
U can run marathons in ketosis there are keto ultranrunners they could persistence hunt deer in deep snow using snowshoes like paleo native americans once did. Winning a modern marathon is a different story though iff you get in a fight carbs are highly beneficial for boxing explosive power ect.
Protein and fat are essential, carbs are not we benefit from carbs but there not essential to surive.

Survive or thrive ? and where ?

In our temperate climate there is no shortage of variety, even if it's not the variety of the fertile crescent or the Indian, or South American or Chinese equivalents.

Humanity's population only grew once we had reliable carbs. Not hunting, nor foraging, but reliable carbs.
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