Greetings from Dresden

jonny the monkey

May 12, 2014
Just wanting to say hi and a bit about myself :)

My interest in bushcraft has slowly been escalating in recent years. I would imagine Mr. Mears was the start of it mostly. I remember being absolutely mesmorised watching his programmes when I was younger.

Then I started to travel, starting in Europe, spreading to the other side of the planet and now back in Germany. It's been the last 3 years in New Zealand and Australia where my interest in bushcraft was rekindled with a fervour previously unknown.

The green, forest encrusted, mountain speckled jewel that is New Zealand was so astonishing in its beauty that I simply had to be a part of it and gradually started spending more and more time camping out there.

Then in true traveller fashion for this part of the world, i found myself spending the following year in Australia. Completely taken aback by the astronomical enormity of the place. It is vast. I feel for many a backpacker there is an empty, nothingness to the landscape. But here you can truly find solitude. And I embraced it whole heartedly. Not to mention, the fishing here is fantastic!

This was all maybe a year ago, I have since spent 3 months walking and camping through Spain and have currently come to somewhat of a siesta in Germany. Whilst here, I have been virtually everyday in the forest learning something new. My tree and plant I.D was terrible, so starting in late winter until now, I have been increasing my knowledge. Yesterday harvesting nettles, eating soup and today making cordage. Unable to afford a strop, yet finding no need to buy one as the birch polypore provides that :D Needing the strop because I started carving utensils and faces out of birch with an opinel... etc etc

With the help of this forum I have found a hobby which fits perfectly with my lifestyle, doesn't cost the earth to participate in. Is hugely rewarding and I can't think of a better way of spending my time right now. :cool: Thanks guys

Hopefully if the weather calms down Im gonna pit roast a chicken this week... pics to follow ;)

Nov 29, 2004
Hello and welcome.

Dresden is possibly my favourite German city, giant slabs of iron covered in various types of fried meat brought to your table with a waste bin sized mug of beer to wash it down. :)
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jonny the monkey

May 12, 2014
Tried posting this yesterday, but my internet connection has been playing up. I'll try again..

I thought I would use this thread as an opportunity to test out posting a photo for the first time.

Here we have a fish caught off the rocks, somewhere off the west coast of Australia. I had to pull it in by hand because my line got taffled up in the reel!



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.