I'm patterning some of the detail areas now and its a fun challenge to get it neat- I'm from a background of dressmaking although I've done the tipi, any input from experience is welcome, folk! I'm wondering if I'm putting too much into the seaming and finish by concealing cut edges eg on facings. My fabric is slightly extensible on the hypoterthingy but rigid warp & weft which is affecting some design and patterning choices.
Here's some more scissory loveliness for my fabric saviour
Ah no, I mean pattern pieces
So the door opening and fastenings are detailed in scale, just gotta work out how to add on the porch when required. I have a choice of flyouts, one uses existing webbing loops rather than punched 'tarp' holes which weaken the fibre so I'd prefer to go with that.
The door will fasten from the top at the apex point (I've called it, though its on the tent body so thats a bit misleading...) with paracord attached to 1" webbing for strength and rigidity.
This is the opposite opening (patterned the wrong way round so its a mirror image, it was easier on the brain cells at the time
)- theres a 'grown on' facing to cover the front lacing.
(Thats my usual fabric cutters, Bilmo, but the shears make light work of feet at a time
I'm looking for input on the flyouts, they're such an important factor in its space, rigidity and quietness- they'll have shockcord loops to the rest of the 'rigging'. I might put the shockcord between each upper and lower flyout too so I can set it up well in either woodland or open areas.... the one thing I've sussed is to make sure the stretchy side doesnt go in the seam because it pulls it into waves, or that could be the flyouts are too big?
I'm sorry for all the questions, they do say 'the devil is in the detail'
Not at all sure about the vents- a winter set up and looks says use them on edge so I can protect the opening with a 'roof' seam attaching the vent cover which would be functional but limit its opening, making it more suitable for winter use. I figure that I can always open a gap in summer use upwind like I did on the tipi.... is there a reason it HAS to go one horizontally? I'd be attaching a matching vent with connector tube with the liner (whenever that happens but its always easiest to plan a design ahead)
I apologise for the weight of pics but I'm hoping for input/ guidance and pics do it better than words