Funny how the collection grows.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
When I my restarted my interest in bushcraft and the outdoors I wasn't that big on knives. I had a couple of Swiss Army knives (SAK) and a Leatherman. Cannot find my Leatherman any more as I stopped carrying it once I found out from here it was illegal to carry all the time.

I started to read the threads on here about which knives to use. Mora, Helle, Enzo, Fallkniven. I was gob smacked at how much a knife could cost when they all really do the same job. I thought that my SAK would not be up to the job in the woods and to be a bushcrafter you needed a sheath knife (How wrong I was). So I bought a Mora and a Bahco Laplander and thought that's all the knives I will need.

I read more threads about spoon carving and I thought "I need a spoon knife" About the same time I got given a Gerber multi-tool and Stanley folding knife.

Roll on the last year or so and I now have a few more knives. 2 more Mora's, a Kukri, 2 more SAK's, unknown sheath knife, an Opinel and Bear Grylls Scout knife.

Funny I still don't think of myself as a knife person and I never seem to actively go shopping for knives but some how I just keep getting them :p


Dec 15, 2005
I used to be a sucker for knives that looked good, especially Lance's stuff :)

I had a bit of a clear out last year and I'm down to just a handful now, a small necker that goes with me on most bimbles, a couple of sheath knives which I alternate as my main user on trips and an old Leatherman I take on canoe trips.

Strict self discipline and not looking at the Makers Market posts has helped :)
part of reason my collection grew besides my magpie like leanings was the search for my perfect knife.
had various sharps as a scout. got the Mora everyone gets then tried a nessmuk got some handmade ones. landed a swc ray years knife then got a Wilkinson sword woodlore. few others appeared. annoyingly so far my preference is the Mora classic.
and lets not talk about axes bill hooks and so on eh :)


May 3, 2010
The shire
I've always loved knives since I was a kid. My uncle collected high end folders and made sure he past on his knowledge to the only person who took an interest. Me. :) and I eventually started building my own collection. It was years down the line that bushcraft came to me with all its wonders. Sadly once I was introduced to the quality of handmade knives I became ADDICTED. I sold all my folders that sat in the draw for all of there useless life and started building a collection of bushcrafters and working tools.. but again sadly I lost track of the main reason I love bushcraft and started to become a heavy consumer of all things shiny and sharp. It was only this past year really I decided what I was doing was criminal. I had some beautiful workmanship that never saw the light of day. So finally after a lot of hard work and tears I've finally got my main users down to 4. :) Its now one in one out.

Albus Culter

Jan 14, 2013
West Yorkshire
First step is to admit you have a problem ;)

I'm not toooo bad honest but I do like a nice knife. Good job most of them are out of my price range.

Ps why is that knife suffocating in its wrapper. Take it out and play with it :)


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
i admitt, i do have a problem........i need another set of draws !! :) ( at least another 8 fixed blades and 5 folders added since these photos were taken :) )







We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.