Front sleeping hammock

Jun 17, 2011
I have a problem

I like sleeping in a hammock with a tarp but am not really great at sleeping on my back. It takes me about 3 nights of waking up every hour to adjust to sleeping this way. And when I do sleep I snore so badly on my back!! What I want is to sleep on my front. I have a DD hammock which I sting up tight but the best I can do is to sleep in a foetal position.

Does anyone know of a way or a hammock which allows you to sleep on your front.

I have done a bit of research into this and this is what I have found.

On speaking to my dad about this he said when he did his national service he was on a destoyer in the med as a young sub leutenant! (you can hear the tales can't you). He said they all slept in canvas navy hammocks and there was one older rating rating (a WW2 vet apparently) who slept on this front in his by cutting holes for his shins (and I suppose legs)to go through. Apperently he was reknown for it - but how hw didn'tget into trouble..... Am not prepared to cut my DD

I have also been in contact with a mate I met when in the staes on business who said he had heard of a front sleeping hammock that was about years ago but might have never taken off. He is looking into it

Anyone got any solutions?


Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
I have a BMBH that I bought off here, which I like a lot. As it is a bridge hammock it has a much flatter lay, so may work for a front sleeper; I will have to give it a go next time I am out. Hammock forums is probably your best best; if they dont know then few else will


Jan 19, 2010
to be honest i dont sleep well on my back and have slept on my side and front in my hh explorer deluxe.i have an unsponserd underblanket and a sf 2 sleeping bag that i use as a quilt.


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