Fresh foods


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I went for a walk with a friend this afternoon, along the burn path, past the nature walk and the factories, along a bit of the old overgrown drove road, past the Scots pine wood and back home. All the way along there was fresh new growth, from thistles to dandelions to second crop of brambles coming along nicely. New nettles, dockens and even some red clover flowers. I have masses of bittercress, fresh mugwort, melissa and now some new fennel sprouting in the garden too. The bushes were full of rosehips and hawthorn berries, lots of acorns just dropping now.
This is normal for my area, the season stretches out just that little longer here and I can find edible green stuffs usually into November most years.
My friend commented that in his area, not five miles away, there is nothing fresh, it's all died back.

What edibles are still available in your patch?


fred gordon

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 8, 2006
Practically nothing here at all. I was out this morning and found a few rowans and blaeberries still hanging on but just a few. There is certainly no sign of new growth. In fact we have our first snow here and the wind is blowing a gale at the moment. Plenty of white hares around and when I was out yesterday I saw a couple of tawny owls, a couple of roe deer and a black cock. All the good food is far too fast for me. :lmao:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
Still seems to be a fair amount of shrooms about here and I just ate my first bit of Shaggy Parasol (due to the size and colour when cut.there was no doubt as to its ID) yesterday, no gastric upset or skin iritation as yet so I can't be one of the small percantage affected by em :)

Mind I wasn't too impressed by the texture :( but I read later that they are good if dipped in egg and oatmeal then fried so perhaps I should have done that instead of just frying it in butter like a normal shroom as it soaked up all the butter and was greasy as a very greasy thing.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I had a gaint puff ball last week, which seems really silly for november !!!
But not silly as cutting up it with a saw because the bread knife was too small :lmao:

I havent seen a parasol in weeks though. The sorrel has turned tasty again which is one of my favourites, and the white dead nettles are in full flower. My husband is from essex were the autumn seems last into december some years. I have picked blewits in febuary one year down there.


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