Currently I travel a lot in France, because I hang up posters in shops for classic concerts.
I usually live there nearly half the year, but changing the town and (touristic) camping ground every second day.
Even with the car I can "bivouaquer" without problems: Clean new car with german number plate, a bit hidden but visible in a corner, small tent or only the sleeping bag next to it, nothing around, absolutely clean place, totally in straight order!
That is theoretically interdicted.
But people feel sorry for you, that you didn't find a free hotel room or an open and free camping ground. They hope for you that after a long traveling day and surching for a nice place to sleep you will find one tomorrow with showers and pool and fresh baguette and coffee and croissants and nice neighbours how it should be, and they regret, that you have to sleep there in the corner in the wilderness.
Nobody ever disturbed me. They let you sleep. They are incredible friendly and absolutely polite.
But it's a difference, if you mean, it would be your right to stand your camping car next to the lake!
That isn't Sweden! Everybody would like to do it, but there isn't enough of nature to do this.
The country with the most tourists in Europe is France! And they all visit France during a few weeks in the summer! It is just crowded enough with the own population. They had to organise that everybody has his space.
In cause of this, they opened every 20 kilometres a communal camping ground, where you have to pay next to nothing for the service they offer you: Fresh water, water pipe, simple but clean showers, toilets, security, a place next to the river, beach or sports ground.
That is meant for tourists with cars, and they have to use them or the private camping grounds.
But how I wrote: If you can't organise it, they do not call the police, no, they feel sorry four your bad situation! If they would know, when you would wake up from alone, they would bring you a thermos bottle of coffee to your sleeping bag! That's for sure!
I even asked several times the police in the night, where to stay!
French camping grounds usually close the gates at 6or 8 pm. Hotels often are full in the summer.
The sherrif has to hunt wild campers! (With cars). But now there is a tired driver, who asks, what to do!
OK! The sheriff knows a solution! He knows a public parking at the end of the village, where is a nice corner under a tree with a bit of lawn. There is no danger for forest fires, if that guy smokes.
It is looking nearly like a communal camping ground, it is communal owned land, there he comes along during the night several times and can look if the guy is save and doesn't make himself any problems.
The sheriff is able to help!
And I can do for one night interdicted wild camping with sherriffs permission!
That is France!
Vive la France!