Which Android based free ware Offline Smartphone Road and Street Navigation system is currently (2019) the best in France in your opinion?
Do you know a free ware offline car navigation Map system for Adroid based smartphones, that knows the big streets that go around the town centres instead of guiding me on the old route nationale from church to church through the centres, following the royal or napoleonic national roads?
Do you know one, that really is able to guide me intelligent through the "sense unique" street labyrinth of larger French towns?
The question is asked to those who really drive very often in France.
I discovered, that several navigation systems that work very well in Germany are horribly working in France, for example the brand new Volkswagen System in 2017. The reason is, that in Germany the biggest street usually has the highest official name.
But in France a route municipal sometimes may be better than a route departemental or national. And most navigation systems do not know that.