Although there seems to be a weird "Everyone else but us won't manage" narrative going on here I reckon yer maybe flattering yourselves a tad.
Few years ago when Carlisle had bad flooding, power cuts for a few days and was mostly cut off by road also people all just got on with things.
There was a good amount of community spirit with people helping neighbours out, they even drove with greater consideration to others as all the traffic lights were out.
I'm not convinced that the denizens of sunny Carlisle are particularly unusual or especially resourceful, its just that people get on with stuff when the need arises.
Few years ago when Carlisle had bad flooding, power cuts for a few days and was mostly cut off by road also people all just got on with things.
There was a good amount of community spirit with people helping neighbours out, they even drove with greater consideration to others as all the traffic lights were out.
I'm not convinced that the denizens of sunny Carlisle are particularly unusual or especially resourceful, its just that people get on with stuff when the need arises.