Unless your garden is massive I think you would notice a family of foxes! I’d be happy to have foxes in my garden - they could eat next doors chickens.
We have foxes; one vixen used our garden as a kind of creche for her pup. It sat behind the fence and whined when mum jumped over and went a wandering. She came back ten minutes later and off the pair went under the big fence at the nature walk to the burn.
When the cub grew up it used our garden by itself. They have an unfortunate habit of leaving droppings at the edges of their territory, I was kind of pleased it moved on and didn't leave offerings.
They will upturn heavy planters and the like though, and dig up flower beds and lawns in their incessant rooting for worms, frogs, and woodlice.
All in all, while it's nice to see them, I'm rather glad they just sort of move through my garden and don't hang around.
Bit like badgers really. They clambered over the front gate, and carved up the top of it so much that I had to fill the slats to level them off again before I painted. They are big, heavy beasts are badgers. They feasted under the bird feeder not two metres from where I'm sitting. They didn't mind our chatter or the window open to take photos.
I was told to discourage them because they become over confident and end up in contention with people who don't like their lawns badgered or foxed
I did hear the complaints from people who had their lawns turned into turned over messes night after night, but just kept quiet about where the sett was (other side of the burn in the wild ground at the back of a small factory)
If Tengu's neighbours are incredibly garden proud then they'll loathe her wilderness.
Me ? my home is tucked in a quiet corner and I happily leave room for the wild in my semi-tame space
It's alive and healthy