first spoons i am willing to share photos of

So i now feel happy enough with some of the spoons i have carved to share them with everyone,prior to this i produced what Mesquite terms bowls on a stick :)
the smaller of the two was carved whilst i was at Rough Close under the expert tutition of Mesquite, John Fenna and Dr Jones, its made from holly and is nice and dinky to go in my brew kit bag,
the larger one is carved from some birch i liberated after it had been felled and was going to be chipped, its a bit bigger and is perhaps more of a spontula allowing it to used whilst cooking and for eating.

front view

side view of holly spoon

sideview of spoontula

rear view

if you look carefully you can see an injury on one of my fingers where i sliced myself with a crook knife


Apr 28, 2011
bedford england
looking good sammy boy lol also that cut looks like its healing well fast !!!!!!! i found you blood all over my shirt when i got home lol god knows how !!!!!


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Nice one Sam :)

I like the handle shape 'spontula'. As for the cut... at least you did the sensible thing and kept the blood off the wood. It's a bugger to get out otherwise :lmao:

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Looking good!
Spoonknives have a taste for human blood.... but well done for keeping it off the spoon and sneakily using your pals shirt as a bandage!
Heal fast - and try to keep all the scars in one place...eventually you get one big scar which no longer bleads if you slice it yet again....
Jul 26, 2010
North Yorkshire
Id love to make my own cooking spoon, and yours look really good chief. Do you keep them looking like that, or do you need to add some sort of stain or wax to the wood?
Id love to make my own cooking spoon, and yours look really good chief. Do you keep them looking like that, or do you need to add some sort of stain or wax to the wood?

i just rubbed them with olive oil, although you can out any food safe oils on them.
one of these days i shall treat myself to some decent spoon knives.
thanks for the kind words


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