first aid


Nov 6, 2003
Used to be in the Red Cross until I joined up, since then I've done a number of medic courses, usually prior to operational deployment abroad. Going on another one in a few weeks, Team medic, apparently it's changed since the last time I did one as you are no longer allowed to give IV's or morphine. To stay qualified I have to do a refresher every 3 years and during that time we are continually exercised to keep up to speed. If you don't continually practice you will get skill fade and when it comes to the crunch you will have forgotten what to do.


Little Mole said:
Doesn't look like anyone answered this one...

Its a self-adhesive, hypo-allergenic(sp?) felt-like material used to cushion tender areas, such as where boots or packs straps may rub. It's called moleskin because the non-sticky side is very soft, like moleskin.

I always have a load in my main FAK as its fantastic stuff. Especially when you've just got a new pair shoes...
(Yes, I am wearing some on my little toe...:sulk: )

swamp donkey

Jun 25, 2005
QUOTE=swamp donkey]Heres some purposeful wanderings around the personal first aid kit. Its not supposed to be egg sucking just my own thoughs born out by experience, It may A bit late for this thread maybe but just might interest someone :rolleyes

IMHO All of us that work alone or go down to the woods ;) alone should have a personal first aid kiit. It also needs to be on our person or very close . This may seem obvoius but it can often be hard to get it right.
They do not need to be very large small belt pack will surfice. They do need to have 2 other attributes :-

1.`You must be able to open it with one hand. Pound to a pinch of salt when you need it you will be hanging on to something that hurts or is leaking :eek:

2. It needs to be in a truely waterproof container. A First aid kit, that got wet last week will be absolutly useless when you want it.

So heres what I carry and why and some alternatives .It should be ok for most people but check allergies

1. A good strong pair of nail scissors not clipers. problems with toe and finger nails can cause misery. I use fiskars nice and strong.

2. Some thing to remove splinters . could be splinter tweezers , a wide bore hyperdermic needle (my choice) or even a good strong sharp sewing needle.

3. Something to plug a big wound . Army first field dressing , bloodstopper or even a couple of sanitary towels and a 3 inch /75mm crepe bandage (easiest to put on with one hand) Do not go for the ambulance dressings you get in HSE kits as they are very compressed and hard to get out with one hand.

4. Betadine paint, a good all round anteseptic comes in a tough little bottle (squash proof).

5. .Assorted plasters, Good quality fabric ones, cheap ones just do not stay on. I use the strip type and precut into a different sizes.

6. a plastic bag big ehough to put a burnt hand in .

7. A J cloth to mop up and clean.

8. a small roll of 1 inch / 25mm zinc oxide tape . White not skin colour as it sticks so much better. lots of uses,

9. a couple of squares of melalin wound dressing or simalar.

This collection will it into a pretty small container.

This collection has not let me down so far , mind you I always seem to be using it on other folks who dont have a first aid kit :rolleyes:

Hope this helps some one other than me.[/QUOTE]

As you can see I have transfered this across from another thead (lazy or what :rolleyes:
I did forget one other thing that I have used a few times which is a sam splint but its in the bag as it is to big for a belt kit.
I do have a bigger kit depending what I am up to . (which also includes a syphg and hand suction :p )


Apr 28, 2005
Staplehurst, Kent
As a reenactor using blunt steel weapons the injuries we most often get are crush and sprain style rather than cuts etc. As a group within a society it has been decided that every group must have its own first aider and a first aid kit. because of the nature of the injuries the society H&E officer has soourced first aid kits specific to the task. these kits are 50 person kits and should cover all eventualites and I shall have one in the car at all times. hmm i seem to have rambled a bit and forgot my point... oh well :) will post this anyway - may remember later and edit :D :D


Always remember that you must know what you are doing. Get some training in first. The red-cross/St. John's training is fine, but it is only the beginning.

Then what do you expect to happen to you? Do you want a kit for just comfort, every-day stuff or for something bigger, like a car accident? How much time will you have to care for the patient?

I have 3 med-pouches. One for the car, one "delux" portable pouch and one small boo-boo kit.

The one in the car is a much-larger version of the "delux" portable.

The small kit has stuff in it to make every day accidents comfortable.

The Delux kit is what I will depend, have depended on, for major incidents:

(of the top of my head)

6 pairs of Nitrile Gloves (always 1 size larger than what fits)

2 Tqs one ellastic, one static

1 roll 1 inch tape

1 small roll of duct tape

10 small 0.5 ml IV Vials

2 Hemostatic Bandages (1 small, 1 large)

2 Elastic Bandages

1 Asherman Chest Seal

1 Nasal Airway Tube

20 m paracord

1 Wound Closure kit: 1 Scissors, 1 Forcept, 1 Tweezer, 1 Chromic Gut 3-0, 10 3M Steri strips. Note: these are not for Closing Skin, these are four stiching up mafor wounds.

1 Medic Shears

Many Alc. Pads

1 Betadine Ointment tube (the 5% not the common 2%)

1 14 gauge needle with cath.

1 Penknife

1 Led Flashlight

1 Tikka Headlight

6 small satchels of water gel

Safety pins (to pin the tongue to the lip)

1 facemask for mouth isolation during CPR

1 Large zip-lock bag (which can turn into an Ashermans Seal with some duck-tape)


1 Vial of Epi + Syringe and needle

10 Atarax (antihestamine)

10 Ciprofloxacin (antibiotic)

10 Nurofen (ibuprofen)

50 Aspirins (as anti-inflematory/painkiller)

3 Vials Bemerol

10 Imodium

1 Aerolin Inhaler

This is the stuff I have in my delux kit (I might have forgotten something).

On the car kit I have also IVs Needles and tubes, as well as 5 Sams Splints.

But the best tool is training!

Note: I am not allowed to use have of the above stuff in the UK. I can use then in the US or in Greece. From experience: you can always find a doctor nearby that is allowed to use the kit!

Edit: I took a pic with a £5 note for refence of the delux kit.



Nov 22, 2005
I have been looking around for a comprehensive first aid kit, like some of the ones above. Does anybody know anything about the Adventure Medical range of kits from the USA? I think it would be much less hassle to buy a complete kit rather than make one up, and I have seen these on special offer from Outdoorcode over on the British Blades site. If anyone has one of these what do you think of it? Or does anyone know any good alternatives?


Dec 31, 2004
In the year 2022
bogflogger said:
I have been looking around for a comprehensive first aid kit, like some of the ones above. Does anybody know anything about the Adventure Medical range of kits from the USA? I think it would be much less hassle to buy a complete kit rather than make one up, and I have seen these on special offer from Outdoorcode over on the British Blades site. If anyone has one of these what do you think of it? Or does anyone know any good alternatives?

Adventure medical kits were designed for them by Dr Eric Weiss ER Doctor at Stamford Medical Center. First rate kit I have the following and reccomend them
Fundimentals, Day tripper, and a small kit from A****er Carey thats EDC with my PSK. the books in the AMK kits is first rate highly reccomend them.

Lee :cool: P.S. In a recent issue of backpacker magazine first aid section ask Buck a Dr.. He has treated hundreds with nothing more than whats in a ziploc bag 1 qt size I think (from memory).


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