Yes, thats another of my typically enigmatic titles, isnt it?
But its a story about 52 domestic carp, all gold ones.
Talking with a friend and they were telling me about their friend who has a Thai monk staying with them.
They were having a spell of ill luck, so he had a plan to turn that around.
They were sent off to get 52 all gold goldfish (and can you imagine what a job that was!)
He then released them into the Thames, to gain good karma.
I am dubious of the legality of this act, it certainly isnt a good thing to do.
But its a story about 52 domestic carp, all gold ones.
Talking with a friend and they were telling me about their friend who has a Thai monk staying with them.
They were having a spell of ill luck, so he had a plan to turn that around.
They were sent off to get 52 all gold goldfish (and can you imagine what a job that was!)
He then released them into the Thames, to gain good karma.
I am dubious of the legality of this act, it certainly isnt a good thing to do.