The woman called the wolf in with her elk cow call whistle, instead of a bull elk she got a hungry wolf, but by the look of the photos she doesn't look disappointed.
The wolf and the bear are making a real comeback in western europe. Croatia now has over a 1000 bears up from just a few individuals 20 years ago. But then again bears and wolves have always been present in the balkans, romania being the stronghold. French shepherds in south eastern france are moaning and blaming the wolf for taking some 20,000 sheep since the wolf started moving back across the maritime alps from italy, which in turn are moving into italy and austria from slovenia in the former yugoslavia. Same is happening in germany from animals moving in from population centers in the woods of Belorussia and the mountains of Poland and Slovakia. A rare EU eco success story.
Then again there are scarier things in the woods of europe than wolves and bears, and not just the woods, domestic dogs in particular and people, account for the vast vast majority of the harm to humans.
I travel to one or two wolf and bear hot spots in europe quite regularly through work, last year in Predial (in the woods above Brasov Transylvanian Romania) we couldn't figure out why the dogs would all start barking around the same time each evening. I was staying on the edge of town in a cabin with a few work colleagues, our host when asked informed us that it was just bears creeping around in the nearby woods and the dogs were just scenting and reacting to them, but not to worry, they don't come into town that often
I've wandered every road in my locality at night in my time, on my own usually and despite the fact that I know almost every ghost story associated with each bend and hollow, I've never had a bad experience from a supernatural source, all my frights have come from meeting others similarly hoofing it in the dark or my own vivid youthful imagination. Thats not to say I haven't had supernatural experiences wandering the road at night, it's just that those experiences, whatever they were, weren't actually scary at the time, quite the opposite actually.
Edit to add a link (if one can get over both the source and the headline