It's strange, you often never really appreciate something until you don't have it any more. When I lived in the Netherlands I really missed a proper British banger. Sure you can get something Sausage shaped from AH, or from the Butchers, but it just wasn't the same as proper British banger. There's a joke among the expats. The best sausages come from yorkshire, the wurst come from the Netherlands. (Wurst in Dutch is pronounced the same as worst in English). It's not entirely true, there are some good Wurst in the Netherlands, but they are not the same.
So, necessity being the mother of invention and all that. I taught myself how to make sausages. With a couple of books by Hugh Fernley-whatsamacallit, and his pig in a day dvd for guidance, managed to make something that looked like a sausage, and tastes like a sausage. I doubt I'd win any awards for them, but I was pleased with what I made. Eventually myself and a few expats would get together for sausage making parties, we'd all chip in for the ingredients, and make a large batch that we would then share among our number... How expats in countries where you can't get pork cope...
As for which seasoning? My local butchers here in Kent makes some rather nice bangers labelled "romany sausage", not sure what's in them. I'm also a fan of the Lincolnshire sausage.