False Idols


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
One thing i am sure of is Ray would keep a wide berth from people who "worship" him. I think he is very happy with the respect he has and the good messages he puts across.

He is a man on telly with skills knowledge and a philosophy we respect. Thats it. Are you surprised he doesn't turn up at meets? I wouldn't if i was him and i read some posts on here. Ray does not want to be worshipped, he is just the messenger( a good one.). It is the message that should be adhered to not the man himself.

If you were religious would you worship the priest or god?

If you are an avid football fan would you put the commentator above the game?

Of course you wouldn't.

It seems we have a few distinct camps on this forum.

(1) One which is into bushcraft for bushcraft itself, but respects ray for carrying their view to others and can learn from him.

(2) One which is into ray and is involved in bushcraft because their hero is, but weren't before

(3) Lastly, There are people who are not into bushcraft per se, but who do other activities which involve certain elements of bushcraft and enjoy the chatter and knowledge of the forum.

So Group number 1 is the people you can learn the most from.Especially things not been on rays show

Number 2 are the people you get the most grief from, and can get advice from regarding what ray has said and done or where he has been or where he is going

Group number 3 are the people who maybe look for a little advice regarding bushcraft, and are the people to ask relating to other activities.

At the end of the day, does it even matter who thinks what of who? We are neither ray nor bear or any other bugger but ourselves.

So for any of you who put ray on a pedestal...... get a grip, he is a man like any other man and has his faults, if you want to worship something, buy a bible

For those who slag bear off, get a grip and learn something about the man. When you can genuinely say i did that too, then you can qualify a slating

And for those who give other forum members grief because their view is different, get a grip. What bloody difference does it make if someone thinks different things to you? Vartiety is the spice of life and the forum would be a boring place if everyone held the same view on everything. Things would be discussed once and never again.

Ray, Bear, Mors, Stroud are all just messengers banging on about the same kind of thing. Yet on here some are good some are bad and all can start heated debates.

WHY????????????????????????????????????????????? You argue over a voice nothing more.
Nov 29, 2004
"...My original post wasn't 'trolling'..."

Of course it was :)

"...self-righteous, sanctimonious..."

The idiom "the pot calling the kettle black" springs to mind :rolleyes:


Please don't feed the troll.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point

Awwww... cute!!!!:D can't starve the wee beasty!

Well said, HillBill. It's never been good news to worship anything or anybody. To much strife and misery eventually comes out of it.

Now...where are those rose petals...Bear is on a 7.....:p

Asa Samuel

May 6, 2009
St Austell.
To try and stay away from the argument about ray himself as a person and to answer the original question:

The saw he used to make the other saw was quite short, the saw he was making was a lot longer, mearning faster cut times, less effort and he is able to cut bigger logs, not to mention the fact that it could be for cutting a different type of wood. Folding saws are more for trimming that cutting big logs, whereas the saw he was making was.

As for the spoon, he was doing it for demonstrative purposes and could've easily made more spoons, but as he only needs to make one (most probably uses standard compign spoons) then there was no point wasting time and effort on seperating the whole thing out into different spoons when he can just use the "waste" as you called it as firewood.


Purdy Bear

Jun 5, 2009
SE London
Iv watched that programme about four times now, I find it easier to learn if I watch things.

I think you'll find he was showing how to make a handle for one saw (a bow saw), then he made the spoon, but if you look in the background the rest of the wood is neatly piled up to use for the fire the rest of the two weeks he was there.

That programme is a good one - set in Belarus (NovaCrudak), it showed how to:

Make a saw bow - he used a fire
Make a spoon - carved the wood
Make birch tar - used a fire
Make Char Cloth - used a fire

Oh I would watch Ray Mears if he was selling wall paper, but thats just the female perspective ( just love intelligent men)!

Todays episode was about the Outback Australia.


As a foreigner I would say, thanks to Ray many people in non english world are now aware of a term bushcraft. It made it come out far from UK, USA and Australia. This is his major major achievement and I thank him for that. As for cutting a tree with a saw to make another saw's handle.... come on...Bear Grylls would chew that poor tree down, Ray does it more reasonably :DD


Jun 6, 2009
Chesterfield UK
Both very entertaining in their own different ways, but I'd sooner be shipwrecked with Ray Mears. Having said that, I'd sooner go out on the lash with the Bear. :)


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