That is quitte a list you are working on.
All i have got left at this moment are 2 F1's and the A1.
Yep, it is, some is purely commissioned work (which I only recently started doing) and some is part of the barter system
, I will be getting a fair nice sets of few scales for the work.
But untill now i was making the knives pure for myself. Maybe i should consider selling them after i finished them.
Up untill recently I only made for friends or family, the trick is treating every knife the same, the same care and attention goes into any knife whether I know the person or not (that's mainly because I am a little bit of an obsessive).
But i guese there aren't a lot of people in Holland who pay the right price for it after working some time on the knive and sheath. And in my opinion there are always some small flaws on my knives and i would't know what to ask for it.
Everyone doubts their work, everybody will criticise thier own stuff as they see faults that others don't. The reason that others don't see the faults is that the faults aren't there, we have a picture in the minds eye of what we want something to be, when we don't quite achieve it we pick fault with it.
When you think that a knife and sheath may take a couple of weeks to make and get right so that I am happy to let it go, the money you get paid for it doesn't pay for the knife at all, £60 pounds on an F1 blade, then the scales, then the pins and the rest of the stuff (resins, abrasives, electric, thread, dyes, waxes and time to mention a few). So it's not just Holland my freind that are a little frugal with the funds.