Egg Powder

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The misses made soup instead!
And I am working away for the next few days so will not have the oportunity to cook untilfriday!
Oh well I will have to wait to try them!
Got mine today. So thanks for that Will...much obliged!
Containers were a nice touch also.
Im going to take some to the middlewood meet this weekend - should make a decent breakfast. In particular, Im looking forward to making a cakey style bannock, with chestnuts and so on. Should be handsome with some maple syrup i reckon.

Thats a cracking stove Red!
It tastes bloody good. I would very much advise people to experiment with preparing this first before trying in "the field". I seriously screwed up the first batch :(.

My fault entirely - its about getting the hang of reconstituting the powder in the right way. Try number three made me go "ahhh, got it". Its easy now. As always I photographed. Would a pictorial be of use? If so, I'm happy to do one of my usual "show and tell" sessions?

Flippin 'Eck, its Gordon Ramsey! Excellent review thankyou, I might even buy some myself. I'll try and locate all the other dried items people have asked me for, I know quite a few ingredient companies. I basically need to add a fiver on for a kg, didn't realise how much the PO charge these days as I'm not an internet business! Believe it or not, money was never the point, chuffed I have filled the void in everyones field kitchen pantry. Can I stress again that there's quite a bit of egg powder about for fishing purposes which is not fit for human consumption but its hard to detect as its been repacked.
Very good product that Will, thanks for the help. Be delighted to try the other stuff if you source it

Regards - Red
Red - I supply Jon Torrode, TVs masterchef with eggs at his London restaurants - I've looked at some of your other cooking reviews - shall I put you down for the next series?
Luckily enough one of my meetings was cancelled today - so I got to cook my own lunch instead of having to go to a pub or cafe at someone elses expense! (:confused: erm...this is good?)
I had a large onion/pepper/ham scramlette (cross between scrambled eggs and an omlette...saves me having to cook tidy):rolleyes:

Thanks to Mr Reds Tutorial it was spot on first time and I cold not have told you the difference if I had made 2 - 1 with fresh and one with powdered egg!
The look and taste was excellent and I am well pleased with the powdered eggs.

In future I will be enjoying more in the way of eggs for breakfast on camp, good pancakes, eggy bannock/cake/thing. I realy was miffed when Tesco stopped stocking powdered egg - now I am a happy bunny again!

Many thanks Will!


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