Eating Meats.

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Cats are obligate carnivores and they cannot survive on an exclusively vegetarian diet. Unfortunately many deluded individuals seem to be obligate cat owners.

Dogs can survive on a vegetarian diet. In fact, dogs are so well adapted to making the most of whatever they can scavenge that it takes considerable time, effort and dedication on the part of an owner to feed a dog a diet that will cause malnutrition and serious metabolic disease. Sadly people seem to rise to the challenge with depressing regularity.

i hope u arn't insulting all us cat owners ? as there are more of us than dog owners in britain now !
wor cat rosie likes to eat my peas pudding and ham stottie cake.she also eats what i call crab grass which inturn makes her vomit up the said grass with hairballs, even in the middle of winter she goes out back to try and find some grass.
p.s she is a right parky swine when it comes to her cat meat , it has to be a certain brand with gravy not jelly, but any human meat she will winge her gob off for ! lol.
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:lol: :D

In my mostly vegetarian household roasting a chicken (referred to by the sons as lightly cremating a dead hen :rolleyes: ) is rare enough that it has the cat sitting sphinx like, paws crossed, on the floor in front of the oven door while it cooks.
Thankfully Himself couldn't eat a whole dead hen by himself and is happy for the cat to have share :)

I love Vegatarian food, but IMUSt have some red meat every week. If I don't then I don't sleep well, I can't concentrate and generally feel unwell.
Within half an hour of having a steak (for example), Its like someone plugged me into the mains!
I am not anemic (I have blood test every six months). I can only assume thqat its something my body does not produce that I get (only) from red meat.
I eat lots of chicken etc but that does not do me long term.
If some one wants to eat meat, then they must (IMHO) accept what it is/was and respect the animal.
My grand father owned a piggery and slaughter house. I was brought up with the killing of animals. But they were allways treated with respect and killed quickly.
Anyone who didn't do a very good job was sacked.
To my hypocrits (either way ) are the worst. If someone does not want to harm animals then fine Dont use animal products or eat meat.
If you eat meat then accept that it was a living breathing creature and give it the respect it should have.
When my daughters were growning up I made sure that they knew that the piece of meat on the plate was once living and walking around and might of looked like that cute lamb in the field.
They still eat meat and don't have a problem handling it.
My wife could not bear to even touch raw meat when we first got married. That to me was very wrong. Like meat accept what it is.
I like the way these `veggies` try to mimmick meat products -such as burgers an sausages - with there quorn ??? :) :)
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Sometimes that stuff's too real and I just can't eat it. Fake hotdogs and the like are just a no.

Burgers and the like are fine, they're just patties. It's a convenient shape to cook, serve and eat. Burger on a bun, kind of thing.
Tvp mince is just handy for stuff like pasta.

I think a lot of the quorn stuff is so that it does mimic meat though. Started really doing that kind of flavoured stuff during the BSE crisis iirc and a lot of folk who weren't fussed about meat or veg. took to it.

I like the way these `veggies` try to mimmick meat products -such as burgers an sausages - with there quorn ??? :) :)

Not a veggie myself but surely putting a load of food into a sausage shaped package doesn't mean they are mimicking meat eaters? That's just a handy shape to hold it together isn't it?

I'm not totally sure why people not eating meat matters so so much to others actually, as far as I'm concerned it just means there's more for me. What's the problem with people not liking it?
I don't like sprouts but would roundly rip the urine out of some random wally who whined like a jet turbine about me not doing so, I mean, who gives a toss?

This is one of those weirdly emotive issues and I can't work out why?

Can anyone give a good reason why it is cos I'm baffled.
Not a veggie myself but surely putting a load of food into a sausage shaped package doesn't mean they are mimicking meat eaters? That's just a handy shape to hold it together isn't it?

Can anyone give a good reason why it is cos I'm baffled.
Of course it is... just as mince 'shape' is handy for the red sauce bit of a lasagne.

However, bacon rasher shape, chicken breast shape and I daresay leg of mutton shape aren't that handy particularly and the only reason I can see for them is this bizarre idea that it's "cruelty free meat", particularly since they're flavoured artificially to resemble real meat more closely.

Toddy made a good point recently, to the effect that some were such close facsimiles that she couldn't eat them.

In point of fact, what it does is increase competition for farmed meat which drives the price down and in turn encourages farming shortcuts and degraded conditions for real animals.

That's why I don't like it.
As an individual I think it is only right that you decide for yourself what you eat, whether you eat meat or not is a personal choice. If you are happy, healthy and full all the better.
I do think more people in today's society would think twice though of eating meat if they understood where it came from and how it got on their plates. People know beef comes from cows, pork from pigs but the process between happy little piglet running around the farm to bacon and tomatoe sauce sandwich seems to elude and/or even frighten some people. I know a lot of parents now days that try to shelter their kids and wouldnt dare try to explain to them where the meat in their white tray all neatly wrapped in plastic came from. Sad times.

with nearly 7 billion mouths to feed and the Earth becoming a smaller community everyday perhaps we should all give some thought to our diets and the impact we pay for them.
Do you know I had never considered that Tengu! I suppose people who are vegetarians through morality just don't own cats or dogs. Please reassure me that no-one makes natural carnivores eat a vegetarian diet?

I did know a vegan that insisted on feeding his cats a vegitarian diet but refused to have them spayed as he deemed it un-natural....... I do despair of people quite often.
An interesting aside, what would happen to all the species of domestic animals that have been created for our table if the country went vegitarian? Would some be kept for posterity or would they become extinct?

Also if meat eating were banned would we as a nation still produce meat for export?
It all comes down to population size. To meet demand, both veggies and animals are pumped full of agri-chemicals and fertilisers, or hormones respectively. Of these, agri-chemicals and fertilisers are probably the most damaging, as run-off into the lakes and rivers has been massively damaging to marine wild-life and humans, both animal and vegetable.
(hmmm - don't know many vegetable humans, but you get my drift!)

One thing is certain - the huge growth and use in the last century of processed carbohydrate products (especially sugars) has corresponded almost exactly with the huge rise in diabetes, heart failures and obesity. Basically, the human body has not yet adapted to dealing with them - maybe in a thousand years or so!

However, whether the issue is shortage of resources - land, food, water, minerals, oil, gas , or the impact of potential global warming or cooling, raised water-levels etc - and the associated political implications and conflict these bring, the root cause of them is population growth, and the only realistic solution to any of them is population control. Everything else is trying to apply a sticky plaster to a cut jugular.
the population will be controlled naturally eventually, just as all others are. Dynamic equilibrium and all that...
These are all old arguments.
Strange how very intolerant the meat eaters among us seem to be though :confused:
Not one vegetarian has demanded that the meat eaters desist.


Indeed, it is odd how the veggies on this site just get on with life without trying to persuade others that their lifestyle is the 'one true way'. Why is it that we are called upon to defend our lifestyle choices every few months?

Clearly, whilst the vast majority of users on this forum are 'live and let live' types, the consumption of meat appears to make some people paranoid and/or evangelistic. Weird, isn't it?


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