Dutch bushcraft meeting


I've tried to contact you about the meeting (trough PM), but have not heard from you.

I might come Saturday (in the early morning untill 15:00/16:00) Maybe I'll take a few family members, but that's not sure yet.



Hey CZ,

I've responded (was in the belgian woods for a week with a schoolgroup) but apologies for the late respons. Work is keeping me busy at the moment.
You'r family is more than welcome!


Apr 17, 2008
sigurd invited me to jin join in, I try to be there aswell. think about a workshop I can throw in. since 5 years i'm one of the assistent instructors for extrasurvival. but when i;m at the meating I will be there not as such. if the campground is ok I can do something with bow shooting \/hunting,atlatl, blowgun, setting traps. or more modern ways to kill a rabbit.
Hi guys,

Christy, the score so far seems to be around 25 people in total, maybe a few more who will just walk in and visit. You never know, numbers might drop suddenly as well.

Puffie: welcome mate, always nice to see friends of Sigurd coming. You're not the only outdoor / bushcraft instructor who's there in his own time, so are quit a few others. For all of us is that this is a private weekend where we can enjoy our hobbies. (Though I'm sure there will be talks of how to do these things with groups :)
Atlatl seems like a great thing to learn, and yes there is space for shooting, I can bring the neccecary safety equipment like nets and stuf if thats required. I'm also qualified to set up a shooting range under VeBON TÜV safety standards.

To everybody else, I'm still missing quit a few contact data's, wich will be used to contact you all when the weekend is coming closer. So if you have not yet sent it in the questions are below here.



Contact info:
First name, family name
email adress
mobile phone number

Are you coming:
A: The whole weekend (friday, saturday, sunday).
B: Saturday and sunday.
C: I'll drop in when I have time, don't know if I'm going to stay overnight.

Extra info:
I can give a workshop, its ...
I am planning to bring ... to the Dutch dinner party.
I would like to bring a friend, please reserve two spots for me.
Apr 17, 2008
he jurjen,

ramon garcia
workshop bowshooting
setting traps

dutch dinner party, don't know yet, depends how lukky I am, probaly roadkill.
probaly bring a friend, but don't know that 4 sure yet.
Apr 14, 2008
Nijmegen, NL
I'll be there as well. Will bring another one and I know of some more people who are interested to join in and maybe even give a workshop.

Send Jurjen a PM yesterday already.


Feb 16, 2007
The Netherlands
Count me in for the weekend. A trip to the UK has been canceled. So I have some more spare time. I can give several workshops but for a few short ones I can do;
all kinds of useful knots,
what to but in a personal survival kit,
the essential 10 (what are the 10 most important items to bring, this is an interactive way to discover what the 10 items are).


KRiSTY & Ruurd are joining Dutch bushcraft meeting for whole weekend.
We would like to sleep during this weekend in hammocks. Is there a possibility to borrow 2 hammocks?
How is it with the FIRE?!
We would like to offer "initipi" indian sauna workshop.
Hungarian fire eags.
Bread on sticks.
Small nature tricks.
Herb witchcraft.
... a Ruurd už se těší jako malé děcko :)
I think I can supply the other hammock :)
Nice to know you two are coming!

I'll take you up on the offer of that sauna, I've been looking at all the workshops that are being offered so far and we're going to actually have a programme... And I must admit, im getting very curious about the other things, can you tell a little bit about it?


Mar 8, 2006
PS: Dad found some good Billycans in some store (Dille & Kamille), he's taking one with him for me to see if it's any good.

Those Dille & Kamille cans are great. The old HEMA were even better but they stopped selling them.

I drilled two holes in the can plus one in the lid and used wire for hanging them. They work great although be aware of the heat because they will deform quickly if overexposed.


Mar 11, 2008
bij hema verkopen ze ook "basha"'s van 3*3 meter, van best wel licht waterdicht materiaal.
met touwtjes aan alle kanten en tentstokken en haringen voor 25 eurie


May 19, 2008
Utrecht, Netherlands
Leuk initiatief! Vooral de prijs is ook lekker laag.
Ik neem aan dat de mogelijkheid er is om van zaterdag op zondag ter plaatse te blijven slapen?
Ik weet niet zeker of ik kom of niet, tegen die tijd laat ik het wel weten.

Trouwens, 't is niet zo handig om emailadressen en telefoonnummers op een openbaar forum neer te zetten. Gebruik liever PM oid. Dit ivm 'spambots': computers die sites afstruinen naar emailadressen en die vervolgens gebruikt worden voor een hoop spam.

Oh, en de hema verkoopt inderdaad wat handige(en goedkope!) kampeerspulletjes. Ik zag ze laatst ook :)

Groet, Koen

sorry to miss out on the party.... :-(

So I won't be bringing a spare hammock either.... :-(

I will be with a Vildmark & Weiss course with Nordic bushcraft / Bearclaw in Sweden :D

alas work is keeping me quite busy too so no time to ask questions, do reports etc so far but as you probably imagine I am looking forward to having a ball there!!!

Any of you joining me there in june 2008?

Grtz Johan

ps: will still have to report on the Chinese Army Cooker too!!! It came through and after some testing it will be a pass around (or something) for the list cos i have no need/intention to keep it.


Mar 11, 2008
is het een beetje te doen om vanaf het station op de lokatie te komen? ik lees namelijk net dat tussen 16,30 en 18,00 uur geen fiets meegenomen mag worden.
Als ik na 18 uur weg ga zal dat wel goed komen, maar mocht er nog iemand met een stoel vrij langs het station komen..................

verder kan ik wel wat meel en/of eieren meenemen ofzo, als ik met de fiets van het station ga kan ik ook wel een kip meenemen van de plaatselijke supermarkt ofzo......(dan moet er natuurlijk wel een vuur zijn ;) )

Verder ga ik er vanuit dat hobo stoves wel toegestaan zijn? voor een kopje soep, anders moet ik ook spiritus meenemen, maakt verder niet zoveel uit want dan fungeert men hobo als windscreen/potstand.

en dan maar hopen op mooi weer ;)


btw, ik gebruik als billy een iets te duur(8 euro) rvs brabantia coffepadprullenbakje ;) van de blokker.
zonder deksel, er komt toch geen as in van een hobo.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.