Dressing refresh advice.

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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Cut on main joint on index finger of non- dominant hand has 4 steristrips and a sleeve dressing put on by the health care assistant at a urgent treatment clinic (yes health care assistant was what the nurse practitioner called her). 4 strips. I've been sent home with a second set of strips and dressing.

How long do these straps usually last? Should I be checking daily and replacing any strips that come a bit loose?

The lass who put it on didn't know much about it really and the red/burgundy tunic guy kind of looked a mix of "eh?" and "meh!" so didn't answer the lass when she asked.

I tend to think when it's dirty or a few days later it's time to replace the dressings. No idea about steristrips. I've only had stitches (without local anaesthetics that worked). Glue isn't great on joints due to movement which seems sense.

The sleeve dressing feels a bit tight at the top of my finger where the outer layer is rolled up. I think I might see what dressings I have that might be more comfortable. Probably nothing! I got large ambulance dressings and little more than big plasters. Must research what's a good collection of dressings for most body areas and get some. Especially hands and fingers.
Can't help with the strips, but for the tight dressing - check your capillary refill time: press the tip of the finger with one finger on the nail and one on pad. Let go and see how long it takes for the nailbed to go from white back to pink. Should be less than 2-3 seconds or the same as on the same finger on the other hand.
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Keep the steri strips on for 7 to 10 days,try to keep the finger straight as possible,and dry.Change the dressing every 2 to 3 days,so you can check on the wound and keep it clean.If you get excessive redness and swelling,and increased pain,best see your doctor.Hope this helps.
Can't see the finger tip as the dressing is like a fabric double condom over the finger. I'm not sure it was the right dressing. The strips went on then a thin layer over the top and on the other side to the wound. This is attached to the fabric outer layers at the end of the finger and one by one the fabric outer layers went over the top.

To get to the hospital our work first aider put a sterile dressing strip around the finger at the wound. Cut to length then a fabric elastoplast tape wrapped around so the stretch of it gave compression. It stopped the bleeding well.

When they took it off I had to sit and wait with the wound open to the air for several minutes without bleeding. As soon as she put the outer layers of the fabric condom dressing it bled straight through to the outside. I think it has knocked a strip off and moved the part of the dressing that goes against the wound away a bit.

Mind you I don't want to disturb it to look, until its started healing and sealing a bit. It's stinging a bit more than when I did it now. Healing I guess.
I think if 1 strip has gone there's 3 left and not much gap between to go that far wrong.

I was thinking check in a couple of days but when I sliced my finger tip off I think that took 7 days to really stop bleeding or to get to a bit of a healing stage. So I think I might roll the cover layers back at the weekend very carefully but just enough to take a peek without moving the layer against the skin which is see through. Its going to scar for sure but I don't want to open it up or get it infected.

When I smashed my hand up nearly 19 years ago (a few weeks before my nephew was born so i know exactly) the MRT medic (A&E doctor) was very worried about infection on a wide mouthed open wound. I got ABs that time not this.

My current issues revolve around how to stop me bending the finger. Everything I do with this hand seems to have me bending it even though I'm using my middle finger to pick things up. It's instinct like your foot curling around the edge of stairs! I just can't seem to help myself. Pain is not a great teacher!
Until it melts the cooling effect might help stop it hurting too. Not sure once molten it'll be sterile though.

PS I really don't like ice cream so won't be eating it first!

Seriously though, thanks for your replies everyone. I last did first aid course some 36 years ago so things have changed since then. Certainly more variety in dressings available. Just been looking for alternatives to finger Bob I think what they've given me is called. There's a lot more variety out there now I think.
Not big but it's on the joint and probably wasn't far off hitting bone. Quite lucky I didn't lose my finger really since mechanical cutting machines like bandsaw are easily capable of cutting through fingers.

PS I'm also possibly a little squeamish ever since I crushed my hand and had stitches put in without anaesthetic that worked. Ever since then I've not been as unbothered by medical interventions like needles, stitches, dressings and personal injuries requiring medical interventions / checkups or excessive blood.

Before I had 5 local anaesthetic injections which did absolutely nothing before a slightly cack handed junior doctor pulled needles and thread through my flesh, pulled it tight before tying a knot i had no issues like that. I felt it all and that was the first time I had ever had to look away from a medical professional sticking something in me like needles. It's given me a bit of a phobia about it I think. Also, I now try to find out more about how to deal better with any injuries get.

I might be making too much out of this but previous circumstances made me squeamish so I don't mind if ppl think "just get on with it! " or "MTFU!" There's others in my family who have had immunity to local anaesthesia. Including someone who had 3 to 4 hour dental surgery effectively without working anaesthesia!
I would never go down the MTFU route because everyone reacts differently to an injury. I was just looking for a bit of context (and being nosey)
Sorry I didn't mean you were saying that but I know ppl at work have that attitude when someone gets injured at work.

The injury is on my finger so not a big cut. It kind of a diagonal cut across the first joint from the knuckle. It went into the finger and across the finger diagonally into the flesh that perhaps meant it bled more. The cut edge was in line with the finger. If that makes sense. It's a deep flap of a cut but small in length.
It sounds like an ugly little cut in an awkward place. Hopefully if you’re able to keep it clean and dry your finger will be a bit more mobile within the week. Personally I would resist the temptation to have a look at it and wait until it starts itching (a sign it’s healing) before doing anything.
Well I had to replace dressing as it all moved on my finger and didn't actually cover the wound any more. A week after the injury I'm probably on my 4th dressing. Right now I can't wait to get home to check my wound. It's hurting badly partly due to my accidental knocking of it many, many times. Oh and it looks red and swollen!

I've left the steristrips on, but of the 4 one has somehow been pushed to the side and that was the end one towards the outside of my finger. The wound gal bled and the scab there sits out a bit more. That is the end that's red.

I don't fancy taking the steristrips off. Should I have done? Do I leave on until more healed?

I'm planning on running under the tap and if the strips come off replace, they sent me away with some. If not then cover with new dressing. I might put germolene around it but not actually on the cut. It's the only antiseptic I have.

I suspect it's red because of a mild infection. I don't think I need to get it checked out yet.
If it makes you feel better, make the appointment to get it checked over. Non of us are really in a position to give a reasoned opinion because we can’t see it, smell it, pick it or poke at it with grubby fingers.
If it feels like it’s infected it may be best not to wait.
I've called through to late opening chemist. He thought it infected or on it's way to be and needed a gp visit or out of hours. He said if I wanted to come in he'd be able to tell me if it's infected or on it's way. I asked if germolene would help around the wound not on it, I have that. He said he'd only be able to offer an antiseptic but germolene isn't recommended on wounds. He had something else that can be used on wounds.

A bit of a trek into next town over, 15 to 20 minutes drive, but think I'll do it. 111 online questionnaire came up with gp visit.
I'm not really asking just updating the refresh thread. Perhaps I didn't refresh it soon enough or too early.

i think it might have been best to leave it on rather than change a dressing but the other argument is to keep an eye on things and change dressing of it gets dirty or wet. I think mine got a bit mucky through work and gardening!


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