Domestic pest control - Ants

Nov 29, 2004
I am having a bit of bother with ants, I thought I'd convinced them to stop trying to live with me last year, however they are persistant.

I think they are entering the building from an older structure that sits next to my house, but I cannot be certain.

They have yet to find their way to the food store and I'd like to stop them before they do so.

Any suggestions?

Recommendations for pesticides etc.

Thanks for looking.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I've used Nippon Ant/Insect killer very successfully on several occasions. I bought the tube and just put little spots where I saw any congregation of ants, obviously taking care it wasn't accessible to ant pets

As Soar says the poison is carried back to the nest and once there kills off the queen and the rest of the population.


Dec 10, 2009
have a look at ant poison in the shops theres one we use that they pick up and take back to the nest that kills them all pretty good stuff
Feb 15, 2011
Ants don't like mint! Spray the area regularly with some mint essential oil diluted in water.....also fresh mint leaves placed under windows & doors will prevent them from entering the house, have to keep renewing them though. Rats & mice aren't too keen on mint either.
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Nov 29, 2004
I'm going to look for the Nippon/Vitax material, it uses a different chemical from the options I tried last year. I have tried laying ant powder at the various points if ingress (and there are many it is an old house) but they still get in and do not seem to be particularly bothered by the stuff. :(

Interesting thought about using mint, a quick google search suggests peppermint oils, possibly used with chilli pepper for optimal results.

Thanks all.


Need to contact Admin...
Feb 6, 2012
north staffs
Cover any entryway with ant powder. Its harmless to pets and kids. It did the job for me. It evacuated to colo.y. They all flew off(if they could) and ran away. But basically covering doorways windows etc will do.

The Ratcatcher

Full Member
Apr 3, 2011
Manchester, UK
If you have kids, pets etc, I wouldn't recommend using any poisonous ant treatments, as the ants can transport the stuff all over the place and it could end up anywhere. There are a number of insecticides which do not have any toxic ingredients known as physical insecticides. Probably the easiest to find is Diatomaceous Earth, which is used by poultry keepers, or a substitute sold under the name "Dytomite Powder". (That's the one I use for work.) You should be able to find some from a farm supplier, or find some on the internet. It's safe for anything except insects, and used to be used as a treatment for intestinal parasites in people and animals. Hope this helps.



Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I'm assuming that Mint works because it disrupts the Pheromones (?) so maybe heavy dosing with strong oil based smells is the way to go in the general area and try to 'encourage' the ants to depart in the right direction.

I also came across this



New Member
Apr 27, 2012
Ants are the number one pest problem in most of the countries. And you can control ants using natural methods. I would like to add that the most effective means of control begins with the location of the main colony and the satellite colonies.
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Nov 29, 2004
For about a year I have had a problem with ants venturing into my house, I have tried all sorts of remedies, natural and otherwise to no effect. They die down during the winter months but are always back in the spring.

A few weeks ago I read about folks who have used Polenta (cornmeal) to drive away/kill off their ant problem. It was suggested that although the ants would eat the polenta, they couldn't digest it and would eventually starve, other sources suggested that this was nonsense and that if polenta had any effect it would be down to the smell interfering with the ants chemical trail.

I gave it a go, just a small pile situated near my front door.

Three weeks later and I haven't seen an ant for nearly twelve days. Not even outside the house.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I use boric acid mixed with icing sugar. I have a 10kg box of borax in my house, I treat my carpets with it every few months, not for ants, but in case any pets come in with ticks or fleas we also used get chigger like bites. I have seen an ant near my house since I started treating it.


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