Yes but the idea is to arrive at a Boreal wilderness, then just disappear................not a career change.
nope, that would see us drewless in short order
Yes but the idea is to arrive at a Boreal wilderness, then just disappear................not a career change.
I understand where you're coming from mate, but in this day and age, it's difficult. Unless you've some form of special dispensation or sponsorship, moving to the wilderness in North America is a long shot to say the least. Rik has a valid point in terms of reasoning, but even the most sought after skilled workers struggle to get out there. My trade and experience is highly sought after in the far north, and yet, the hours are long, the work is bitter hard, and you'll end up swapping a reasonably comfortable life in the UK for 12 months of the year, for 6months hard graft and 6 months kicking back in the likes of Canada or Alaska.
It's your call at the end of the day, but I've worked out my options, and I see the UK as a far more long-term safe bet than the likes of North America, NZ or Aus. Call me misguided
There is also Spitsbergen (
Part of Europe, so visas might be easier.
Yes, I've been tempted. Still am.
is it possible to do what our good friend richard proenneke did aka building your self a life out of the beyond
Yes but the idea is to arrive at a Boreal wilderness, then just disappear................not a career change.
Yes, you can do it, just gather three or four hundred thousand pounds, convince the Canadians you have retired, buy or rent some land and build a cabin.
You could just get an air ticket, land, walk into the wilderness and build a cabin but I guess you would soon be in a line at a UK beneift office after you were caught and deported from Canada.
You could just get an air ticket, land, walk into the wilderness and build a cabin but I guess you would soon be in a line at a UK beneift office after you were caught and deported from Canada.
I doubt the Canadian or the Alaskan authorities would launch a national/state wide search for a lonely Brit who outstayed his Visa date limit, not knowing where you are 'n' all.........................but even if they did catch up with you, a 'wilderness experience' & a free flight not to be sneered at...
The wilderness is not empty. Unless you are extremely good you will need to come into civlization eventually. And the locals will know about you, and if your way of doing things annoy them they might very well tell the local police/RCMP about you. So the next time you go into town. Or the irritated locals will plain tell them that this new guy, new poaching guy mind you, is living in a cabin located *here*. So that they can pick you up easilly and conventiently. Run when they come? Then they will have to assume that you have more to hide than a poached moose. Is this when you have to gun-battle, or hope that the local cops do not have an itchy trigger finger?
Sure, you can do this. But it is a *stupid* way to do it.
You're shattering my illusions dude...
. But your "plan" is not well thought out. As a day-dream it is ok, but the reality is not as nice. I've had the same dreams, basically, so I understand where you are comming from. If you want to do it find a way to do it sanely and legally (e.g. save up money, go to nursing school (or teacher, etc) or something like that.
no not in the uk i mean properly in alaska or canada and i would love to do it on my own it would be ausome
i think the easiest and cheapest way in to canada or alaska would be to file a `mineral `claim on open ground - just file the claim on worthless land ,and that secures you the rights to build a cabin and `work` the claim !! But a think the fantacy of staying in the wilds at minus silly degrees centigrade for up to -six -seven months of the year would wear a bit thin after the first month !!!
Care to expand on that contribution