IBC Shower tote

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A full output shover head needs almost 20kW of power for a hot one, 10kW is enough for some of these water saving ones. This for direct online heating
Honestly I was expecting @Pattree to be the one to mention a giant Kelly Kettle :D
I’ve not involved my self in this discussion because it isn’t a place for theory and I have no knowledge or experience. The solution is very probably commercially available.

Wood fired systems are very efficient where very low volumes of fuel and water are in close proximity. Even a device with an efficient heat exchanger is going to use and awful lot of wood if it is to supply a shower.
Far more important than its efficiency, a shower connected to a boiler must have a fail-safe thermostatic control.

I haven’t read the whole of this thread so this point might have been made already:
A Solar pe-heater would seem appropriate. My simple black plastic shower bags can get too hot on a bright summer day. Solar panel water heaters that I’ve seen demonstrated look wonderfully effective.
Have found this one - not made in Chy-na.

Looks a good size and sufficient for my needs and able to recirculate the heated water in a closed loop until sufficiently warm to prevent dodgy cheap self induced trips to A&E for 3rd degree burns.

We seem to be going "back to the future." The old solid fuel Rayburn Royale was available in a version with a back boiler and basically burns anything.... whilst cooking food and generally heating the room. Refurbished versions can be had from here: https://www.countrystylecookers.com/

That said....... maybe not to overthink it. Place big pot over fire. Heat water. Use for a sponge bath or to fill a small bath. Back in the days of old, "shower baths" were an affectation of the rich, whereas a working family would use a tin bath in front of the fire.

Taking daily hot showers is very much a product of the availability of having lots of energy (particularly gas and electricity) on tap.

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