Do you dare take the BMI challenge?

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Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Just out of interest Southey, did you know the flaws in BMI at the time? I'm wondering whether BMI is still a useful measure, because anyone it doesn't work properly for will probably be familiar enough with BMI to know it doesn't work properly for them (through being an athlete/body builder/whatever).

remove 3,275,542 tonnes - apparently I'm most like someone from Djibouti.

Yup, I failed a medical beginning of last year, the doctor actually stated that he had failed quite a few other chap who were visibly fit and healthy with out a visible ounce of fat on them(Almost said with relish:() but it comes down to what the medical board will accept as a measurement of your physicality, I had three months to resit as at the time I was attempting rejoin the forces full time, so I starved my self while doing nothing else but running steady state long distances, on the day I went back I looked a state, horrid pallid skin, felt like crap and and passed just, but I Became too old to join even with being 2 years within the maximum age limit, but hey, SDSR was being announced so no biggy, joined the ta instead and flew through the medical :confused: hahaha crazy,


Apr 27, 2012
Yup, I failed a medical beginning of last year, the doctor actually stated that he had failed quite a few other chap who were visibly fit and healthy with out a visible ounce of fat on them(Almost said with relish:() but it comes down to what the medical board will accept as a measurement of your physicality, I had three months to resit as at the time I was attempting rejoin the forces full time, so I starved my self while doing nothing else but running steady state long distances, on the day I went back I looked a state, horrid pallid skin, felt like crap and and passed just, but I Became too old to join even with being 2 years within the maximum age limit, but hey, SDSR was being announced so no biggy, joined the ta instead and flew through the medical :confused: hahaha crazy,

Mate of mine got turned down because he'd had a gastric reflux problem ten years earlier when he was a chain smoking couch potato. At the time he was building up to a BG attempt, and was *seriously* fit. That medical procedure is seriously broken.

What I meant about knowing at the time was, for almost everyone BMI is a bad measure for, they know it is. So it's a crappy measure where you actually need a measure of fitness that includes the outliers like you (like the army medical).

This forum is likely full of pretty active people, so there's going to be a lot it doesn't work for. But for the hordes of people noshing on cakes in front of the TV, a BMI of 30 means 'time to go to the doctors and have a chat'. If the doctor then says 'actually, you've got 14% body fat Mr Body Builder, BMI doesn't work well for you because muscle is denser than fat', all well and good, but that's not going to be the case for many. From that point of view it's probably a good rough indicator of whether someone needs to investigate a bit more.


Apr 14, 2012
Southampton, Hampshire
Woot I have 93% more lard than the rest of the world! Everyone chant "go burgers go burgers"

And what a load of, as mentioned above no thought for muscle etc, my extra famine reserve cost a lot to build, I'm not getting rid of it yet.


Jul 5, 2012
BMI: another great example of
"lies, damned lies and statistics"
given the way it is abused by just about everyone these days!


Jul 4, 2012
Algarve, Portugal
ummm...I may have a slight problem : BMI of 16:eek: and lower than 96% of the world. I'm from the DR Congo, apparently, which can't be a good thing.
edit: I would remove 99,175,647 tonnes

I blame the scales for saying I'm lighter than I really am...

anyone want some flattering scales?:D


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
It refused my participation on the grounds of folk as good looking as me don't have to be concerned.......but to make yall feel better.....


Yup.....I'm a bushcrafter :lmao:
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2


Aug 10, 2005
It refused my participation on the grounds of folk as good looking as me don't have to be concerned.......but to make yall feel better.....

Yup.....I'm a bushcrafter :lmao:
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

Shave the beard off and then take the test again mate....



Mar 3, 2010
N Yorks
Apparently so, I am equal with a Tongan, I have worked with Tongans and I can assure you I am a tenth of their size.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
remove 261,616,965 tonnes
You're most like someone from Eritrea

wheres that second piece of cake....


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