Heres my version of a pot stand for a trangia. Had to make one as i couldnt find anything like it, and it was what i was after, similar to the lightweight hexi burners.
Its aluminium, weighs 66 grams. Ive give it a heat test to see if the aluminium softens, so far so good, the aluminium is hopefully thick enough, and the holes are there to cool it as much as anything. It takes a 2 litre pot full easily. Packs and unpacks easy which is what i wanted most
Its aluminium, weighs 66 grams. Ive give it a heat test to see if the aluminium softens, so far so good, the aluminium is hopefully thick enough, and the holes are there to cool it as much as anything. It takes a 2 litre pot full easily. Packs and unpacks easy which is what i wanted most
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