Bit of a random L-O-N-G shot for a small meet up but I'll throw it out there.
Does anyone fancy having dinner with me at a VERY Foragers based pop up restaurant in the New Forest ( Lymington ) on Monday 1st November?
Its 9 COURSES which works out at £7 ( odd ) a course. - Yes it maybe considered by some to be an expensive night out but you only live the once.
I'm going up regardless but would welcome some company - I need to know sooner rather than later however....

Does anyone fancy having dinner with me at a VERY Foragers based pop up restaurant in the New Forest ( Lymington ) on Monday 1st November?
Its 9 COURSES which works out at £7 ( odd ) a course. - Yes it maybe considered by some to be an expensive night out but you only live the once.
I'm going up regardless but would welcome some company - I need to know sooner rather than later however....