Dartmoor Hike (3 days, 2 nights)


Full Member
Sep 6, 2012
Selsey, West Sussex
Hi guys I am doing my first two night/three days hike and camp in Dartmoor. I have never done this long on just what I can carry - anyone have any tips or suggestions plus a list of bits I might not think to take?

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
There's plenty of water on the moor but best to filter and boil it. A Bilmo bag and my favourite stove would be high on my list along with my billycan. And Dartmoor is all peat so lighting fires directly on the ground on the moor is not good! Oh and a tick remover! And a head-net for the midges, you might even want to sleep in it! Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs :eek:.

And looking fwd to seeing the pix and hearing the story :)


Jan 22, 2011
Lots of dead gorse up there which makes brilliant fire wood - particularly for cooking.

So take a pair of gardening gloves for gathering it.



Full Member
Sep 6, 2012
Selsey, West Sussex


Full Member
Sep 6, 2012
Selsey, West Sussex
Wet weather gear...:rolleyes:

Yeah I will be packing my goretex :)

Is the area one of those places that is more than likley to be wet/rainy? I was just going to take my bivy bag but should I take a tarp for sitting/cooking under too? Also, will I find any trees to fit the tarp to or will I need poles? Or is it possible to find a bit of wood or two to make poles?

Chris the Cat

Full Member
Jan 29, 2008
Yeah I will be packing my goretex :)

Is the area one of those places that is more than likley to be wet/rainy? I was just going to take my bivy bag but should I take a tarp for sitting/cooking under too? Also, will I find any trees to fit the tarp to or will I need poles? Or is it possible to find a bit of wood or two to make poles?

depends where you are on the moor mate ( and you realy DO need to know where you are!! )
Its not a case of more or less rainy, but you are high up and exposed, the weather can change VERY quickly and if bad weather does come down you will know about it!
You will lose visibility and can easily find yourself with nowhere to shelter ( if you are on the open moor at the time.
Check Meteox for the radar rain map for the moor before you go, Google will put you on to it. )

Very best, have fun, stay safe.



Life Member
Dec 31, 2005
Be careful of the water, I would filter, treat and boil. The amount of animal poo that has been washed into the water table means that it can be quite dodgy. I've had a few bad experiences and settled on the above as the only thing that worked. When I was there on exercise a bowser was provided.

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Compass and map ... you're bound to have thought of those :D. And I'm sure you know how to use them. If the mist comes down the best thing to do is to hunker down under the tarp ... those bogs and mires really do swallow ponies! They could have you for breakfast :D. Whistle and mirror too (in case it's sunny!) and you know the whistle code?


Oct 20, 2007
My advice would be go fast and light the reality is on Dartmoor you are never that far from a road it just seems further because of the bleak landscape and if the weather turns-which it probably will over 3 days
Don't rely on finding trees unless you can guarantee where you will camp I suggest a small light tent or a couple of light bivvy poles for yer tarp
Plan your route carefully and incorporate landmarks to keep you on the right track Dont overstretch yourself as its your first time treat it as a learning trip
Its a truly great place so enjoy it


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Rich, i have resisted the temptation to invade your thread question, don't really know why, but there are so many questions to answer, about your planned trip, is it solo? What are your objectives? Is it a circular walk you have planned? Which side of the Moor are you going to? Are you bothered about history/interesting things to see/photograph?

The most important things to take onboard, are terrain/compass skils etc, as Redandshane said, it is/can be a most inhospitable place, and although he said you are never more than 3 miles from a road (actuallay 9, from the remotest point) If the mist/mizzle comes down, accompanied by horizontal rain, you can walk around in circles for hours.

Not dissing, your skills or capabilities, just trying to help.

I presume you are thinking of this summer, which makes your journey, much more pleasant, so ignore me, or ask some more and i would be happy to help.




Full Member
Sep 6, 2012
Selsey, West Sussex
Ivan please jump in!

I slept on the south downs in Feb in the snow but more of a static camp than a hike. I've got quality warm kit so I'm not worried about the cold, and goretex too. I just want to minimise my carry weight hence the sleeping bag and softies question?

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Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
If? You are planning a summer trip, then your bivvy and lightweight season bag will suffice, seeing as you are prepared to ground dwell, you can shelter against the elements, it sounds like you have experience of the wilder side of camping.

If you want to talk about your plan , either by PM , or i am happy to give you my telephone number, to point you in the right direction, coz as it stands, i don't know if you are driving, hitching, etc ?

Hopefully you have a cunning plan up your sleeve!



Full Member
Sep 6, 2012
Selsey, West Sussex
Ivan I would be very greatful if you would pm me your phone number and a time I can call you tomorrow (I am going weds) ideally not too late in the day so I can pop out and get anything you think I may need that I forgot!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


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