Dartmoor 6 " The Great Moorland Bake Off "...


Full Member
Jan 19, 2012
Chepstow, Wales
Hi Richie, of course mate , welcome aboard the good ship Dartmoor ! let me know if you require directions etc , and i will pm you some details .

Atb Ivan...

Oh and Adam , i will ring you right now !!!

Yes please Ivan. I've just spent 45 mins trying to add to BCUK Facebook. I've found the group (I think) but there's no "join group" button so I've given up!



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Uh Oh ! look out ! now we are talking , The Right Hon. Bushwhacker and maybe his entourage are planning to grace us with their prescence " The Dorset Massive " return ! I am afraid i cannot promise lost French damsels in distress , but i will do my utmost to provide some other form of Dartmoor cheer .

Will that infamous ribcage incident be fixed in time ? And will you be bringing the Dorset rohipnol ? As i would rather like a weekend to remember .

Also please keep any of that , so called cider in its original packaging , to save confusion and disorientation , thankyou .

One last question , will Dave be part of your travel plans ?

Your best attention at all times .


( OH ! bloody hell ! )


Jul 4, 2011
Lancashire (previously Dartmoor)
Is Ivan recruiting (by breeding) his own private petticoat army to overwhelm us all by sheer weight of numbers? Run lads!

Joel's tent is gonna look positively dinky compared to one big enough to fit all those Wilsons into.

Can anybody tell me (or do I mean warn me?) the names/IDs of these new Wilson recruits to the forum, so I can don my battle-bowler before replying to one of their posts and take cover afterwards. I'm sure, if they are even the tiniest chip of the old block, they'll be lobbing mortars (hopefully humour-mortars) back into my trench and showing no mercy. Even mild-mannered Katie can pack a mean punch when it comes to the art of withering invective!
What is the collective noun for a gathering of Wilsons? An intimidation maybe? :yikes: Suggestions to this forum. Victoria Beckham OD handbag to the winner.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
My Dear Mr Newman , you are quite right to be afraid , very afraid . Thes girls are now in the latter stages of strategic planning with military precision , two of them came up this weekend on a recce , hauled firewood , built shelter, cooked ate , tested season 2/3 sleeping equipment , used the woodland drop , without so much as a whinge ! Oh yes demanded things like 3in 1 coffe , tea , full english etc etc . I am knackered they had me all over the place . Started talking about walking boots and packs and suchlike ,What have i done ?

Only one has joined so far , and is building up to an introduction , she is known as Jess . The one who has snaffled a new mora 511 already, carved her tent pegs and marshmallow toasting stick with my clipper though , as she did'nt want to get hers dirty !

Actually there is nothing to fear , as long as you speak only when spoken to, tip you hat and don't try and get smart by discussing things like hair and the gym etc, and on no circumstances , get embroiled in a verbal battle with the oldest one as , you WILL be led away in tears a gibbering wreck !!

Not really they are good fun , and are keen to learn , but if you find yourself surrounded by ( the yet decided collective term ) do not panic just try and slip away very slowly , as they can strip a grown man to the bone in seconds ( pirahna style )

All the very best



Full Member
Mar 20, 2010
I am almost considering making the Boss (my employer) miss his flight to Jamaica so I can make this one, lovely young ladies, good food and the usual suspects gathered around a campfire :) . Bucephalus, If I were more familiar with Facebook I would give it a go to add you to the group, but someone capable of it should be along eventually to help you :)


Jun 26, 2008
I've got some lovely rohypnol on the go at the moment, I've been self medicating on it so I don't really know if my cracked rib hurts or not (it probably does). It will be arriving in a non-descript container mind so be wary. Dave is in the plans if I can prise him away from his new Californian bird. Might drag her along too if she's over.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2012
Chepstow, Wales
I am almost considering making the Boss (my employer) miss his flight to Jamaica so I can make this one, lovely young ladies, good food and the usual suspects gathered around a campfire :) . Bucephalus, If I were more familiar with Facebook I would give it a go to add you to the group, but someone capable of it should be along eventually to help you :)

I'm not sure I want to learn anymore. I've had a FB page for about 5 years and still I know nothing :confused:.
Ignorance IS bliss.


Jul 4, 2011
Lancashire (previously Dartmoor)
@ Bucephalas: Nice to hear we have another recruit to the FB inadequates. See post #159. Software evaluation is my speciality, but that cuts no ice with the FB aficionados (aka the Brainwashed). So welcome along pal. The debates round the campfire could be lively - but fun. :)

Good to have a new nutter in the Dartmoor gang. Looking forward to meeting you.

My dear Mr Wilson. Talking about finding a dead pony and claiming the head and hooves as some kind of morbid trophy is heartless and thoughtless now that we have Bucephalas amongst us. Please observe a little decorum and respect his feelings. A recent blockbusting movie has highlighted the valour of his kind. We should observe a degree of political correctness - please don't alienate new friends.

P.S. With so many of the normal nutters, an overwhelm of Wilsons and many new faces arriving in vast numbers, I'll try to get there early in the week to help (watch) you prepare. :)

Wow!! That's it! I had my eureka moment! The collective noun for a gathering of Wilsons!

It's an 'overwhelm'!
Took me a while to pick up on that statement :) Bucephalas (aka Bucephalus), being A the G's horse, but also meaning ox-head (good job Ivan didn't find one of those ay?).

Also, regards "normal nutters", there are no such folk at our meets...we are all nutters, and not one of us could possibly be classed as "normal" :D


Jun 27, 2011
West Devon
Hi, surfaced again after some major distractions. How far back do I have to go on the thread to find a list of who is coming now? Not willing to miss another one, come hell or high water, so save me a space - sounds as if it is getting busy!

Missed you all, you lovely bunch! Lucy


Jun 26, 2008
Jesus Christ! Just seen the list and that's a fair old posse assembled there. Looking forward to this.
Just one more thing, would it be wrong to bring a vampire squirrel and some purse nets if anyone fancies a bash or will it get frowned upon?


Jul 4, 2011
Lancashire (previously Dartmoor)
Arry took footage of lots of bunnies on his covert nature camera a couple of weeks ago. So there's lot's of them there.

I hope you get the go-ahead to put your vampire squirrel down to flush 'em out cos I'll be right there with you. :)

Could be educational too, for those who've never seen a squirrel in action.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Sorry boys been watching some fighting ! anyway bring her on down , proper old country weekend and all ! might be able to do a pot big enough for a few .



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