Daily Express


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
Did anyone see the article in the paper not sure if it was in any of the others a grey had got its self trapped in a bird feeder so some do gooder phoned the RSPCA who promptly popped along and released it unharmed into the wilds....now correct me if Im wrong but doesn't DEFRA legislation forbid releasing them back into the wilds once trapped, im confused as I would have thought a RSPCA officer would have known better


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 16, 2007
this sort of thing doesnt surprise me, its the world gone mad plus what sort of bird feeder was it, if it traps a grey i will take two of em lol


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
this sort of thing doesnt surprise me, its the world gone mad plus what sort of bird feeder was it, if it traps a grey i will take two of em lol

Wait for this a anti squirrel bird feeder seems it gorged its self on the nuts and seeds and became to fat to get out off the cage but the point is should have he released it or humanely killed it


Need to contact Admin...
Oct 18, 2007
On a serious note and in answer to your original querry ........ I'm clueless, but would have thought that any "accidentally" introduced species was fair game, i.e. Signal crayfish, gray squirrel, zander, american mink,...... and should be eradicated at any and every oppertunity.

(s'cuse the spelling, im cellebrating, cellebrating what? what ya got?).


Jul 8, 2007
There is bird houses hand made in this hide in the woods near me and it is full of seeds etc for the little bird to enter and get and the squirrels head is too big to get them


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
I've just got this from the Defra site, here I've not read all of it but it states at the bottom of the documents that the it is illegal to release them under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

One question, what do they taste of?



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
I've just got this from the Defra site, here I've not read all of it but it states at the bottom of the documents that the it is illegal to release them under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

One question, what do they taste of?


Very sweet pork I posted one that I had prepared for the pot on the gallery
This may be controversial...!

It has long been apparent to me that the rspca was long ago hijacked by the animal rights lunatics and, as these people are fantastically ill informed, the rspca has been totally discredited as an organisation.

It is past time that these naive fools lose the respectability of the "Royal Society" tag and revert to their current niche - a fringe pressure group of the NUS.

OK - I've painted the target on my chest...fire away!


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
I'm going to say you are being a bit unfair there Fin, but I know where you are coming from. The RSPCA moved into the village, well small town now, where I live a few years ago and their national headquarters are now about 1/2 mile from my door.

They have made no attempt to build any kind of relationship with the local community despite being the biggest contributor to traffic in the area and the biggest employer within the immediate area.

From staff I've met they are like many big organisations these days, in that they out source their call centres, although they are UK based, these centres as with most others are poor at best and generally a poor first point of contact.

We recently got a dog from them and so having experienced their work first hand I think in general they do a good job, but they rely so heavily on volunteers I suspect their ranks are infiltrated by the types you refer to, but sadly what organisation can afford to turn away any volunteer these days.

Our home visit was carried out by one such middle class lady of the name flopsy I'll leave it to your imagination how that one went down!

I know that their inspectors are paid so badly it's a crime in it's self and the rubbish they have to face everyday is beyond a joke, so hat off to them for that.

But they do need to work on their image and relationship with the general public as the perception of them isn't helped by stuff like this squirrel story.
This may be controversial...!

It has long been apparent to me that the rspca was long ago hijacked by the animal rights lunatics and, as these people are fantastically ill informed, the rspca has been totally discredited as an organisation.

It is past time that these naive fools lose the respectability of the "Royal Society" tag and revert to their current niche - a fringe pressure group of the NUS.

OK - I've painted the target on my chest...fire away!

Hi Fin,
What can I say, for the most part I have to agree with you. That said however I should and will temper the statement by say saing there are still some RSPCA operatives who are what might be termed ''old school' as opposed to pink and fluffy.
On an organisation front imo and from my own experiance BASC are or at least appear to be MUCH better informed where conservation is concerned,...but aren't they those horrid Countryside Allience folk?.
Hummmmmm now there is a thought country folk knowing more than either the press or townies about about where they live.... who'd have thought it??;)
Cheers Tim:)
Our home visit was carried out by one such middle class lady of the name flopsy I'll leave it to your imagination how that one went down!


And a well reasoned argument from you and Tim there - yes I am probably being slightly unreasonable in tarring all of it's members with the same brush - but I find a lot of these "charities" have become political lobbyists (NSPCC is another one). The individual inspectors, I applaud for their dedication in the face of human cruelty and shocking pay - Unfortunately, those running the organisation are the sort of people who went around releasing mink, from farms, into the countryside in the 70's and 80's.

I'm a member of BASC Tim (I hunt bunnies for the pot with an air rifle) - I think they are a far more credible organisation - not only in matters conservation - but animal welfare in general.
apologies Fin, I think I've been doing far to much union stuff at work this week, I'm arranging words in negotiation speak without meaning to.
So (rejoins campaign for plain English) I must say that I agree with all thats contained in your last post.
You know what really is disturbing though the majority of these folk who are extremists and in positions of trust are very well educated so much so that one might think they should know better? (but then again they belive they do).
Cheers Tim
PS BASC member here too oddly enough..er shoot bunnies for the pot with an airgun aswell


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